Indirect Training

The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) Indirect Training Program offers students the unique opportunity to receive training in their hometowns at no cost. Training provided within states and local jurisdictions by state and local trainers is a critical component of national preparedness. The CDP leverages the presence and expertise of these individuals by qualifying them to deliver specific CDP courses through attendance and graduation from certified CDP-delivered Train the Trainer (TtT) programs. By successfully completing any TtT program, students are able to return to their jurisdictions and train fellow first responders.

The CDP recognizes graduates of TtT courses as authorized trainers for their home state in accordance with the State Administrative Agency (SAA) directive. Authorized trainers are provided administrative support to include all student training materials and certificates of completion. Listed below are the TtT courses offered through the resident training program, and the corresponding indirect training classes graduates would be authorized to teach.

CDP Courses/Classes Supported

Standardized Awareness Authorized Training Program, TtT (SAAT)

Law Enforcement Protective Measures for CBRNE Incidents, TtT (LEPM TtT)

Hospital Emergency Response Training  for Mass Casualty Incidents, TtT (HERT TtT)

Radiological Series, TtT (RAD TtT)

State Approval Process

A trainer may be state approved to teach most of the Indirect courses if the SAA determines state qualifications for instruction are met. Two completed forms are needed: 1) Trainer Application for State Approval (138); 2) SAA Approval letter.

Steps for Processing Indirect Classes