U.S. Department of Justice

Building Community Support for New Jail Construction

Publication year: 2006 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 021328


Other Information

  • 2006
  • 23 pages.

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The process of building community support for a new jail is explained. Sections comprising this bulletin include: the challenge; raising the issue; increasing public awareness; going public with the problem; building a case or support; a picture is worth a thousand words; going public with the information; elements of a case for support; developing campaign strategies; potential stakeholders; case study -- when impact assessments go right and wrong; case study -- a multilevel strategy for a complex situation; case study -- a cautious approach to an unusual situation; case study -- preparing to meet the editorial board; tactics; case study -- using video to contrast the old and the new; case study -- outreach via public access television; case study -- promoting the project website; case study -- surveys as two-way information pipelines; putting it all together -- one community's experience; case study -- making the most of a community meeting; responding to public input; and conclusion.

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