Submitting Proprietary Independent Research and Development (IR&D) Information to the Defense Innovation Marketplace


The Defense Innovation Marketplace is a web site that enables communication between the DoD research and engineering community and Industry. It provides DoD's research goals and priorities to Industry, and Industry's research projects to DoD.


The first application of Defense Innovation Marketplace is the new Independent Research and Development (IR&D) database. Defense Innovation Marketplace will allow input of Industry IR&D projects and display the results in several formats to registered DoD users.


The IR&D database contains a short description of each IR&D project and a contractor point of contact. This database offers contractors a means of publicizing technical capabilities to potential DoD customers. DoD organizations are required to consider the work and accomplishments of contractor IR&D programs when planning, programming and budgeting for DoD R&D and are directed to enhance their knowledge of contractor IR&D by reviewing summary reports of contractor IR&D efforts.


The IR&D project summaries are handled as Non Classified-Sensitive-Limited Access within DTIC and are closely guarded against unauthorized access by persons outside the DoD. The database can be accessed by registered DoD users with CAC cards. The IR&D database offers DoD organizations a means to identify technological capabilities applicable to Defense needs and to avoid duplication of contractor IR&D activities by DoD laboratories or by DoD-funded R&D contracts.


Five Easy Steps to Prepare to Enter Individual Project Data (Download)PDF Icon

Instructions for Entering Batches of Project Data via XML (Download)PDF Icon


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