STINFO Documents




Not withstanding the "F" distribution indicated on these documents, all AFI instructions are approved for public release.




AFI 61-201, The Local Scientific and Technical Information Process.PDF Icon
The instruction establishes the procedures, processes, and management guidelines for local STINFO Officers. Duties are listed, including Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) ones. Attachments 1 and 2 are compliance checklists. This instruction is under revision.


AFI 61-202, United States Air Force Technical Publications Program.PDF Icon
The instruction provides policy and assigns responsibilities for the preparation, processing, and distribution of Air Force technical publications generated in-house or by contract or grant. This instruction is under revision.


AFI 61-203, The Work Unit Information System.PDF Icon
The instruction establishes procedures for conducting literature searches of the Defense RDT&E Online System (DROLS), commercial databases, and the open literature and the preparation and reporting of work unit information summaries to DTIC. The instruction is in revision to reflect the name change from the Work Unit Information System (WUIS) to Technical Effort and Management System (TEAMS). This instruction is under revision.


AFI 61-204 Disseminating Scientific and Technical Information.PDF Icon
The instruction discusses the marking of technical data with distribution statements and the export control warning. It describes the contractor certification process for access to export-controlled technical information and discusses the handling of requests for such information. The requirement for a destruction notice is addressed. This instruction is under revision.


AFI 61-205, Sponsoring or Co-Sponsoring, Conducting, and Presenting DoD-Related Scientific Papers at Unclassified and Classified Conferences, Symposia, and Other Similar Meetings. Attachment 1 is a useful checklist. This instruction is under revision.PDF Icon


AFPD 61-2, Management of Scientific and Technical Information.PDF Icon
The policy directive describes the Air Force STINFO Program and assigns responsibilities. Attachment 1 lists three measures of compliance. Attachment 2 lists activities that require full time STINFO Officers. All six implementing instructions are included in the STINFO Documentation. This instruction is under revision


ANSI/NISO Z39.18-2005, Scientific and Technical Reports -- Preparation, Presentation and Preservation.
This standard replaced MIL-STD-847B, Format Requirements for Scientific and Technical Reports Prepared by or for the Department of Defense, and is the recommended guideline for publishing technical reports. DoD has adopted the standard and the copyrighted publication is part of the STINFO Manager training class courseware. A hard copy may be purchased from the NISO Press Techstreet, 310 Miller Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 or by calling 1-800-699-9277.


ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1997, Standard Technical Report Number Format and Creation.
This standard provides a uniform format for the assignment of report numbers to technical publications of all types and formats and is recommended. A hard copy may be purchased from the NISO Press Techstreet, 310 Miller Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 or by calling 1-800-699-9277.


AR 70-45 (Draft), Research, Development, and Acquisition Scientific and Technical Information Program.PDF Icon
The regulation describes the Army STINFO Program, assigns responsibilities, explains how it is organized and conducted, and how STINFO resources are to be managed. STINFO Manager duties are listed. This is the only regulation for the Army STINFO program. It is in draft form and will replace seven current regulations.




Classified National Security Information, E.O. 12958.PDF Icon
The Executive Order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information. The latest one was issued on April 17, 1995 and took effect on October 14, 1995. E.O. 12958 was amended with E.O. 12972, dated September 18, 1995, E.O. 13142, dated November 19, 1999, and E.O. 13292, dated March 25, 2003.


Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release, DoDD 5230.09.PDF Icon
The directive governs the security and policy review of all DoD information proposed for release to the public. There is also an implementing instruction, DoDI 5230.29, Security and Policy Review of DoD Information for Public Release.


Contract DATA Requirements List (CDRL), DD Form 1423-1.PDF Icon
This form is used when technical data is required under a contract and specifies all the required deliverables. It is completed by the person who is responsible for the requirements of the contract, with the assistance of a data manager, and is processed by the contracting office.


Controlled Unclassified Information, E.O. 13556.PDF Icon
Establishes a program for managing all unclassified information in the Executive branch that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls, pursuant to and consistent with applicable law, regulations, and government-wide policies.


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Data Item Description (DID)PDF Icon
The DID states the required format and contents preparation instructions for each deliverable on a contract. For example, DI-MISC-80711A, Scientific and Technical Reports, states that ANSI Z39.25, Scientific and Technical Reports - Elements, Organization, and Design, shall be used for technical report format. The DID number is referenced on the Contract Requirements List (CDRL). DIDs are available on the "ASSIST" Web site; registration is required.


DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report.PDF Icon
This form is used to accept the required deliverable(s) on a contract. By signing it, the sponsoring DoD organization acknowledges that the item(s) conform with the quality and quantity requirements of the contract.


DD Form 254, Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification.PDF Icon
This form is used to specify the kind of classified information access that is required on a contract.


DD Form 1423-1, Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL).PDF Icon
This form is used when technical data is required under a contract and specifies all the required deliverables. It is completed by the person who is responsible for the data requirements of the contract, with the assistance of a data manager, and is processed by the contracting office.


DD Form 1540, Registration for Scientific and Technical Information Services.PDF Icon
This form is used to register for DTIC products and services. It determines the duration of the registration for classified products and services. It is the only registration form required for DOD and other US Government agencies. DOD organizations must submit the actual form for access to classified information but may register over the telephone for access to unclassified information. Other US Government organizations must submit it for access to limited and classified information. Contractors must submit the DD Form 1540 for access to information at DTIC. A separate form must be completed for each contract or grant, and the registration is in force for the length of the contract.


DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement.PDF Icon
This form is required for access to export-controlled technical data by contractors, including such technical information available from DTIC. The form is submitted to the Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS), Battle Creek, MI for certification. Certified contractors are eligible to receive export-controlled technical data for a renewable period of five years.


Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification, DD Form 254.PDF Icon
This form is used to specify the kind of classified information access that is required on a contract.


DFARS 227.7102-2, DOD Rights in Technical Data.
There is also DFARS 227.72, Rights in Computer Software and Computer Software Documentation.


DFARS 235.010(b), Research and Development Contracting -- Scientific and Technical Reports.
Among a number of provisions, this rule states that DTIC is responsible for collecting all scientific and technical observations, findings, recommendations, and results derived from DOD endeavors, including both in-house and contracted efforts.


DFARS 252.235-7010, Research and Development Contracting -- Acknowledgment of Support and Disclaimer.
This clause is used in DOD research and development contracts.


DFARS 252.235-7011, Research and Development Contracting -- Final Scientific and Technical Report.
This clause states the requirement for the contractor to submit the approved technical report to DTIC and was updated in November 2004.


Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations, DoDD 5230.11.PDF Icon
The directive was reissued in 1992 and prescribes policy, responsibilities, and procedures for the disclosure of classified military information to foreign governments and international organizations. It canceled DoDI 5230.17, Procedures for Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations, incorporating and expanding on the procedures.


Disseminating Scientific and Technical Information, AFI 61-204.PDF Icon
The instruction discusses the marking of technical data with distribution statements and the export control warning. It describes the contractor certification process for access to export-controlled technical information and discusses the handling of requests for such information. The requirement for a destruction notice is addressed. This instruction is under revision.


Distribution Statements on Technical Documents, DoDD 5230.24.PDF Icon
The directive establishes the DOD distribution statement system, including controls for export-controlled information. This instruction is under revision.


DOD 5200.1-M Vol II, DOD Guide to Marking Classified Information.PDF Icon
The manual is authorized by DoDD 5200.1, DOD Information Security Program, and is an illustrative guide to the proper marking of all types of classified information.


DOD Domestic Technology Transfer (T2) Program, DoDD 5535.3.PDF Icon
The directive provides policy and assigns responsibilities for domestic technology transfer activities of the DOD


DOD Freedom of Information Act Program, DoDD 5400.07.PDF Icon
This directive authorizes DOD 5400.7-R, the single DOD regulation on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) program. The directive was reissued in October 2005.


DOD Guide to Marking Classified Documents, DOD 5200.1-M Vol II.PDF Icon
The manual is authorized by DoDD 5200.1, DOD Information Security Program, and is an illustrative guide to the proper marking of all types of classified information.


DOD Information Security Program and Protection of Sensitive Compartmented Information, DoDI 5200.01.PDF Icon
Updates policy and responsibilities for collateral, Special Access Program (SAP), and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), and controlled unclassified information (CUI) within DOD Information Security Program. It establishes policy and assigns responsibilities regarding the protection, use, and dissemination of SCI within the Department of Defense. This replaces DoDD 5200.1, DOD Information Security Program.


DOD Rights in Technical Data, DFARS 227.7102-2.
There is also DFARS 227.72, Rights in Computer Software and Computer Software Documentation.


DOD Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program (STIP), DoDD 3200.12.PDF Icon
The directive defines the overall concepts and assigns responsibilities for the operation and management of the DOD Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP). The directive was reissued in 1998 and is currently under revision. There is also an implementing instruction, DoDI 3 200.14, Principles and Operational Parameters of the DOD Scientific and Technical Information Program.


DOD Technology Transfer (T2) Program, DoDI 5535.8.PDF Icon
The instruction identifies the responsibilities and procedures necessary to implement domestic technology transfer programs in the DOD


DoDD 3200.12, DOD Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program (STIP).PDF Icon
The directive defines the overall concepts and assigns responsibilities for the operation and management of the DOD Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP). The directive was reissued in 1998 and is currently under revision. There is also an implementing instruction, DoDI 3200.14, Principles and Operational Parameters of the DOD Scientific and Technical Information Program. This instruction is under revision.


DoDD 3204.1, Independent Research and Development (IR&D) and Bid and Proposal (B&P) Program.PDF Icon
The instruction assigns Independent Research and Development (IR&D) responsibilities, sets policy and procedures, and establishes certain working groups.


DoDD 5220.22, National Industrial Security Program.PDF Icon
This Directive assigns overall responsibility for policy and administration of the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) to ensure that classified information released to industry is properly safeguarded, and prescribes specific requirements, restrictions, and other safeguards considered necessary in the interest of national security for industry to protect classified information. Compliance with the NISPOM is incorporated into each contract that requires access to classified information by use of the "Security Requirements" clause required by Subpart 4.4 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation and a DOD Security Agreement.


DoDD 5230.11, Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations.PDF Icon
The directive prescribes policy, responsibilities, and procedures for the disclosure of classified military information to foreign governments and international organizations.


DoDD 5230.20, Visits and Assignments of Foreign Nationals.PDF Icon
This directive provides policy and responsibilities governing visits and assignments, including exchanges, of foreign nationals to the DOD Components and certain contractor facilities, as well as the Foreign Liaison Officers (FLOs) Program and the policy for the assignment of Cooperative Program Personnel.


DoDD 5230.24, Distribution Statements on Technical Documents.PDF Icon
The directive establishes the DOD distribution statement system, including controls for export-controlled information. This instruction is under revision.


DoDD 5230.25, Withholding of Unclassified Technical Data from Public Disclosure.PDF Icon
The directive implements the DOD authority to withhold from public disclosure technical information that is determined to be export-controlled. Change 1 is included. This instruction is under revision.


DoDD 5230.09, Clearance of DOD Information for Public Release.PDF Icon
The directive governs the security and policy review of all DOD information proposed for release to the public. There is also an implementing instruction, DoDI 5230.29, Security and Policy Review of DOD Information for Public Release.


DoDD 5400.07, DOD Freedom of Information Act Program.PDF Icon
The directive authorizes DOD 5400.7-R, the single DOD regulation on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) program.


DoDD 5535.3, DOD Domestic Technology Transfer (T2) Program.PDF Icon
The directive provides policy and assigns responsibilities for domestic technology transfer activities of the DOD


DoDI 3200.14, Principles and Operational Parameters of the DOD Scientific and Technical Information Program.PDF Icon
The instruction implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures under DoDD 3200.12, DOD Scientific and Technical Information Program. Enclosures 3 through 7 define the major elements of the DOD STIP. This instruction is under revision.


DoDI 5200.01, DOD Information Security Program and Protection of Sensitive Compartmented Information.PDF Icon
Updates policy and responsibilities for collateral, Special Access Program (SAP), and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), and controlled unclassified information (CUI) within DOD Information Security Program. It establishes policy and assigns responsibilities regarding the protection, use, and dissemination of SCI within the Department of Defense. This replaces DoDD 5200.1, DOD Information Security Program.


DoDI 5230.27, Presentation of DOD-Related Scientific and Technical Papers at Meetings.PDF Icon
The instruction addresses classified and unclassified meetings.


DoDI 5230.29, Security and Policy Review of DOD Information for Public Release.PDF Icon
The instruction implements DoDD 5230.09, Clearance of DOD Information for Public Release. It sets policy, assigns responsibilities, prescribes procedures for conducting the review, and identifies information that must be cleared before public release, including STINFO assigned "Distribution Statement A."


DoDI 5535.8, DOD Technology Transfer (T2) Program.PDF Icon
The instruction identifies the responsibilities and procedures necessary to implement domestic technology transfer programs in the DOD


DTIC Form 55, Request for Release of Limited Document.PDF Icon
This form is completed when a requester does not meet the audience of an assigned distribution statement. The form is submitted by DTIC to the Controlling DOD Office responsible for determining if the specified document should be released to the requester. The form was revised and reissued in April 2010.


DTIC Form 55, Request for Release of Limited Documents [automated form].PDF Icon
This form is completed when a requester does not meet the audience of an assigned distribution statement and is sent electronically to DTIC. The form is submitted by DTIC to the Controlling DOD Office responsible for determining if the specified document should be released to the requester.


DTIC Form 530, Nonprint Form.PDF Icon
This form is used to submit nonprint documents, software, datafiles and databases to DTIC. Formats include video recording, computer diskette, magnetic tape, and CD-ROM. It provides a one page summary of the bibliographic information and physical characteristics of the particular nonprint product and forms the basis of the DROLS record. A diskette version of the form is available from DTIC. An example of a completed form is included.


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E.O. 12958, Classified National Security Information (and Amendments).PDF Icon
The Executive Order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information. The latest one was issued on April 17, 1995 and took effect on October 14, 1995. E.O. 12958 was amended with E.O. 12972, dated September 18, 1995, E.O. 13142, dated November 19, 1999, and E.O. 13292, dated March 25, 2003.


E.O. 13526, Exemptions from Automatic Declassification.
E.O. 13526 prescribes a "uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information."


E.O. 13556, Controlled Unclassified Information.PDF Icon
Establishes a program for managing all unclassified information in the Executive branch that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls, pursuant to and consistent with applicable law, regulations, and government-wide policies.


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FAR 35.010. Research and Development Contracting -- Scientific and Technical Reports.
This rule requires that: a) a contractor furnish a report as the permanent record of the work accomplished under a R&D contract; b) copies be submitted to NTIS; and c) the SF 298 be submitted when agencies require that completed reports be covered by a report documentation page.


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Independent Research and Development (IR&D) and Bid and Proposal (B&P) Program, DoDD 3204.1.PDF Icon
The instruction assigns Independent Research and Development (IR&D) responsibilities, sets policy and procedures, and establishes certain working groups.

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The Local Scientific and Technical Information Process, AFI 61-201.PDF Icon
The instruction establishes the procedures, processes, and management guidelines for local STINFO Officers. Duties are listed, including Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) ones. Attachments 1 and 2 are compliance checklists. This instruction is under revision.


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Management of Scientific and Technical Information, AFPD 61-2.PDF Icon
The policy directive describes the Air Force Scientific and Technical Information STINFO Program and assigns responsibilities. Attachment 1 lists three measures of compliance. Attachment 2 lists activities that require full time STINFO Officers. All six implementing instructions are included in the STINFO Documentation. This instruction is under revision.


Marking Technical Data Prepared by or for the Department of Defense, MIL STD 1806.PDF Icon
The standard provides procedures for the marking of classified and unclassified technical information with distribution statements and the export control warning. It answers questions about what should be marked, where the markings should be placed, and how to determine export-controlled data. The standard is no longer cited on contracts as the marking authority because it was canceled in 1995. It is available from DTIC as a guidance document. (AD-A283 939)


Material Inspection and Receiving Report, DD Form 250.PDF Icon
This form is used to accept the required deliverable(s) on a contract. By signing it, the sponsoring DOD organization acknowledges that the item(s) conform with the quality and quantity requirements of the contract.


MIL STD 1806, Marking Technical Data Prepared by or for the Department of Defense.PDF Icon
The standard provides procedures for the marking of classified and unclassified technical information with distribution statements and the export control warning. It answers questions about what should be marked, where the markings should be placed, and how to determine export-controlled data. The standard is no longer cited on contracts as the marking authority because it was canceled in 1995. It is available from DTIC as a guidance document. (AD-A283 939)


Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement, DD Form 2345.PDF Icon
This form is required for access to export-controlled technical data by contractors, including such technical information available from DTIC. The form is submitted to the Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS), Battle Creek, MI for certification. Certified contractors are eligible to receive export-controlled technical data for a renewable period of five years.


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National Industrial Security Program, DoDD 5220.22.PDF Icon
This Directive assigns overall responsibility for policy and administration of the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) to ensure that classified information released to industry is properly safeguarded, and prescribes specific requirements, restrictions, and other safeguards considered necessary in the interest of national security for industry to protect classified information. Compliance with the NISPOM is incorporated into each contract that requires access to classified information by use of the "Security Requirements" clause required by Subpart 4.4 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation and a DOD Security Agreement.


Nonprint Form, DTIC Form 530.PDF Icon
This form is used to submit nonprint documents, software,data files, and databases to DTIC. Formats include video recording, computer diskette, magnetic tape, and CD-ROM. It provides a one-page summary of the bibliographic information and physical characteristics of the particular nonprint product and forms the basis of the DROLS record. A diskette version of the form is available from DTIC. An example of a completed form is included.


Notice to Accompany the Dissemination of Export-Controlled Technical Data.PDF Icon
This notice must accompany all export-controlled technical information that is distributed to certified US contractors. All export-controlled documents distributed by DTIC contain the notice.


NTIS Products and Services.PDF Icon
NTIS is the federal government's central source for the sale of scientific, technical, engineering, and related business information by or for the U.S. Government and complementary materials.


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Presentation of DOD-Related Scientific and Technical Papers at Meetings, DoDI 5230.27.PDF Icon
The instruction addresses classified and unclassified meetings.


Principles and Operational Parameters of the DOD Scientific and Technical Information Program. DoDI 3200.14.PDF Icon
The instruction implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures under DoDD 3200.12, DOD Scientific and Technical Information Program. Enclosures 3 through 7 define the major elements of the DOD STIP. This instruction is under revision.


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Registration for Scientific and Technical Information Services, DD Form 1540.PDF Icon
This form is used to register for DTIC products and services. It determines the duration of the registration for classified products and services. It is the only registration form required for DOD and other US Government agencies. DOD organizations must submit the actual form for access to classified information but may register over the telephone for access to unclassified information. Other US Government organizations must submit it for access to limited and classified information. Contractors must submit the DD Form 1540 for access to information at DTIC. A separate form must be completed for each contract or grant, and the registration is in force for the length of the contract. The form is in revision. The form was revised with a date of December 2004.


Report Documentation Page, SF 298.PDF Icon
This form is used to submit paper and microfiche documents to DTIC. It replaced the DD Form 1473. It provides a one-page summary of the bibliographic information for the particular document and forms the basis for the DROLS record. Diskette and online versions of the form are available from DTIC.


Request for Release of Limited Document, DTIC Form 55.PDF Icon
This form is completed when a requester does not meet the audience of an assigned distribution statement. The form is submitted by DTIC to the Controlling DOD Office responsible for determining if the specified document should be released to the requester. The form was revised and reissued in April 2010.


Request for Release of Limited Document [automated form], DTIC Form 55.
This form is completed when a requester does not meet the audience of an assigned distribution statement and is sent electronically to DTIC. The form is submitted by DTIC to the Controlling DOD Office responsible for determining if the specified document should be released to the requester.


Research and Development Contracting -- Acknowledgment of Support and Disclaimer, DFARS 252.235-7010.
These two clauses are used in research and development contracts.


Research and Development Contracting -- Final Scientific and Technical Report, DFARS 252.235-7011.
This clause states the requirement for the contractor to submit the approved technical report to DTIC and was updated in November 2004.


Research and Development Contracting -- Scientific and Technical Reports, DFARS 235.010(b).
Among a number of provisions, this rule states that DTIC is responsible for collecting all scientific and technical observations, findings, recommendations, and results derived from DOD endeavors, including both in-house and contracted efforts.


Research and Development Contracting -- Scientific and Technical Reports, FAR 35.010.
This rule requires that: a) a contractor furnish a report as the permanent record of the work accomplished under a R&D contract; b) copies be submitted to NTIS; and c) the SF 298 be submitted when agencies require that completed reports be covered by a report documentation page.


Research, Development, and Acquisition Scientific and Technical Information Program, AR 70-45 (Draft).PDF Icon
The regulation describes the Army STINFO Program, assigns responsibilities, explains how it is organized and conducted, and how STINFO resources are to be managed. STINFO Manager duties are listed. This is the only regulation for the Army STINFO Program. It is in draft form and will replace seven current regulations.


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Scientific and Technical Reports - Preparations, Presentation and Preservation, ANSI/NISO Z39.18-2005.
This standard replaced MIL-STD-847B, Format Requirements for Scientific and Technical Reports Prepared by or for the Department of Defense, and is the recommended guideline for publishing technical reports. DOD has adopted the standard. The copyrighted publication is part of the STINFO Manager training class courseware, and may be downloaded for free from the Internet. A hard copy may be purchased from the NISO Press Techstreet, 310 Miller Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 or by calling 1-800-699-9277.


Security and Policy Review of DOD Information for Public Release, DoDI 5230.29.PDF Icon
The instruction implements DoDD 5230.09, Clearance of DOD Information for Public Release. It sets policy, assigns responsibilities, prescribes procedures for conducting the review, and identifies information that must be cleared before public release, including STINFO assigned "Distribution Statement A."


SF 298, Report Documentation Page.PDF Icon
This form is used to submit paper and microfiche documents to DTIC. It replaced the DD Form 1473. It provides a one page summary of the bibliographic information for the particular document and forms the basis for the DROLS record. Diskette and online versions of the form are available from DTIC.


Sponsoring or Cosponsoring, Conducting, and Presenting DOD-Related Scientific Papers at Unclassified and Classified Conferences, Symposia, and Other Similar Meetings, AFI 61-205.PDF Icon
Attachment 1 is a useful checklist. This instruction is under revision.


Standard Technical Report Number Format and Creation, ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1997.
This standard provides a uniform format for the assignment of report numbers to technical publications of all types and formats and is the recommended guideline. A hard copy may be purchased from the NISO Press Techstreet, 310 Miller Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 or by calling 1-800-699-9277.


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United States Air Force Technical Publications Program, AFI 61-202.PDF Icon
The instruction provides policy and assigns responsibilities for the preparation, processing, and distribution of Air Force technical publications generated in-house or by contract or grant. This instruction is under revision.


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Visits and Assignments, of Foreign Nationals, DoDD 5230.20.PDF Icon
This directive provides policy and responsibilities governing visits and assignments, including exchanges, of foreign nationals to the DOD Components and certain contractor facilities, as well as the Foreign Liaison Officers (FLOs) Program and the policy for the assignment of Cooperative Program Personnel.


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Withholding of Unclassified Technical Data from Public Disclosure, DoDD 5230.25.PDF Icon
The directive implements the DOD authority to withhold from public disclosure technical information that is determined to be export-controlled. Change 1 is included. This instruction is under revision.


The Work Unit Information System, AFI 61-203.PDF Icon
The instruction establishes procedures for conducting literature searches of the Defense RDT&E Online System (DROLS), commercial databases, and the open literature and the preparation and reporting of work unit information summaries to DTIC. The instruction is being revised to reflect the name change from the Work Unit Information System (WUIS) to Technical Effort and Management System (TEAMS). This instruction is under revision.


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