Frequently Asked Questions About Drug Consequences

The Mobile County (AL) District Attorney’s Office prepared the following guide to the legal consequences of drug involvement for the University of Southern Alabama’s Division of Student Affairs to distribute to students.  Take a look to see what they consider important to know on this subject (source:  Keep in mind that this information pertains to Mobile County, Alabama.  Laws and penalties vary from one jurisdiction to the next. and jurisdictions regularly update their laws.

The information was intended to give University of Southern Alabama students a legal perspective on what being involved with illegal drugs can mean for their futures. Students are encouraged to be aware of this information when they make decisions about who to hang out with, where to go, and what to do. It should be noted that the legal information provided only encompasses the law of the State of Alabama. Municipal and federal drug laws are not addressed in this overview; however, information on the Federal Controlled Substances Act and tips on finding local and state drug law information is available in Jurisdictions, Charges, and Penalties.

This overview was designed to give students a realistic picture of the impact that drugs can have on their lives. No scare tactics were used; all of the information comes directly from the Alabama Code, case law, and courtroom experience. It is hoped that all University of Southern Alabama students will have an enjoyable and rewarding college career that does not include illegal drugs.