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The how-to guide for: Operation Emergency Prepare


Operation Emergency Prepare is designed so that individuals, organizations and community groups can be prepared for an emergency or natural disaster. Your involvement will help people you care about. This how-to guide is for organizers but could easily be adapted to help individuals prepare for an emergency.

The Problem

Disasters are notable for their scale, unpredictability or both. A hurricane, house fire, earthquake or tornado can leave devastation in its wake. The impact of such an event is often most severe for people who failed to plan for emergencies. You probably have friends, family and neighbors who have no plans for how to act when a disaster is imminent, or how to respond after one has struck.

The Solution

“Operation Emergency Prepare” allows you to help others in your neighborhood who need to get ready.

Time Commitment

Help a neighbor with one of these activities in about an hour. When you choose to plan and implement a community activity, it may take up to a couple of hours per week for several weeks.

Organize a group effort to help people in your community have the basic information and tools to endure a crisis and to quickly get their lives back on track.

Special Considerations

You can choose one or more disasters to focus on, depending on the likelihood of each in your region of the country.

Who can do this?


Great Reasons to do this Project

  • Help people in your community anticipate disasters and recover quickly when one strikes.
  • Strengthen bonds with your neighbors – and among them.
  • Review and update your own emergency preparedness plans.

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