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Advisory Committee on Water Information

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ACWI 2012 Meeting Presentations

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"GAO Report on Climate Change Adaptation"


18th Annual Maryland Montoring Council Annual Conference

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Photograph of Fir River Water Information Coordination Program
The WICP ensures collaborative efforts among Federal Agencies to improve water information for decisionmaking about natural resources management and environmental protection.

Advisory Committee on Water Information
represents the interests of water-information users and professionals in advising the Federal Government on Federal water-information programs and their effectiveness in meeting the Nation's water-information needs. (ACWI Fact Sheet)


Tab link to National Water Quality Monitoring Council
Thumbnail graphic of framework for water quality monitoringThe National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC) provides a national forum for coordination of consistent and scientifically defensible methods and strategies to improve water quality monitoring, assessment and reporting.

Tab link to Methods Board Information
Koloa_gulch1.gif imageThe NWQMC Methods and Data Comparability Board provides a forum for exploring, evaluating, and promoting methods that facilitate collaboration and further comparability between water monitoring programs.

Tab link to NAWQA National Liaison Committee
NAWQA image The National Liaison Committee (NLC) for the National Water Quality Assessement Program (NAWQA) creates an ongoing national liaison process for external organizations to work interactively with the NAWQA Program in joint problem solving on water quality issues.

Link to ACWI Subcommittee on Ground Water
sogw imageThe goal of the Subcommittee on Ground Water is to develop and encourage implementation of a nationwide, long term ground-water quantity and quality monitoring framework that would provide information necessary for the planning, management, and development of ground-water supplies to meet current and future water needs, and ecosystem requirements.

Link to ACWI Subcommittee on Hydrology
soh imageThe Subcommittee on Hydrology desires to improve the availability and reliability of surface-water quantity information needed for hazard mitigation, water supply and demand management, and environmental protection.

Link to ACWI Subcommittee on Sedimentation
sos Colorado River photoThe Subcommittee on Sedimentation of the Advisory Committee on Water Information promotes collaboration on the sediment issues; and advances in information gathering, storing, and sharing; for decision making about natural resources management and environmental protection. (See Terms of Reference for more details.)

Link to Subcommittee on Spatial Water Data
GIS image The Subcommittee on Spatial Water Data jointly sponsored with the Federal Geographic Data Committee develops water-resources components of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Link to Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable
SWRR graphic The Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable serves as a forum to share information and perspectives that will promote better decisionmaking in the United States regarding the sustainable development of our nation's water resources.

Denali National Park, AK photoThe Water Resources Adaptation to Climate Change Workgroup (WRACCW) identifies research, data, and policy necessary for effective management and protection of water resources in the United States as the climate continues to change.

Link to ACWI Sunset Subgroups

Cooperative Water Program (1999)

Streamgaging Task Force

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Science Issues Conference
2004 Cooperative Task Force Program

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Thursday, 13-Sep-2012 09:01:22 EDT