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Congressman Steve Pearce - Washington, DC

Congressman Steve Pearce
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  1. With my Colleagues during the September 11, 2001 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony.
    Photo: With my Colleagues during the September 11, 2001 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony.
  2. On this day, we honor, celebrate, and commemorate the lives and memories of the nearly 3,000 people who perished on a fateful Tuesday 11 years ago. While the horrors that transpired shook the very core of our nation, out of the rubble came the very best of what our nation exemplifies. Among the 3,000 who lost their lives included countless individuals who instead of running for cover selflessly ...
    ran towards the danger to help in any way they could. Our nation and the world must never forget the sacrifices made by these individuals, as well as the thousands of firefighters, police officers, passengers, and volunteers who willingly put themselves in harm’s way to help others. Heroism is the only word to describe these acts. I will never forget the events that took place on September 11, 2001. Nor do I want to. The heroes we talk about today make me proud to be an American and a human. These men and women highlight and epitomize the very best of the human spirit.
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  3. Soon I will be hosting a job fair in Hobbs. To pre-register, sign up here:
  4. During the worst recovery in 70 years, the president is demanding a small business tax increase the will destroy an additional 700,000 jobs. Now is the time to create jobs, not kill them. We need to create an environment where small businesses can flourish, and Americans can get back to work.
  5. U.S. payrolls grew by a weaker-than-expected 96,000 in August. The report reinforces signs of a lackluster economy as Americans continue to be out of work. It is time to get America working again. One way to do so is by taking the 30 House-Passed jobs bills to a vote in the Senate.
  6. Did you know that you can purchase a U.S. flag through my office? My staff would be glad to assist you in ordering one. You may also request that your new flag be flown over the Capitol for an additional charge. Flags may be flown for a particular person, event, or organization, and may be flown on a specific date. A certificate of recognition is included with each flag. Visit to see pricing and the online order form.
  7. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Costa Rica. I pray for their continued safety in the aftermath of the earthquake.
  8. Today, the United States Treasury Department announced that the national debt has surpassed $16 trillion. It seems that some in Washington want to politicize this issue, and can't seem find the right time, the right reason to cut spending. Today, we have 16 trillion reasons to change course and end our national spending spree.
  9. MY office can also assist you if you are having trouble obtaining a passport. For more information, visit
  10. Visiting DC any time soon? My office can help schedule tours. Visit for more information on constituent services.
  11. If I could end one government regulation to help create jobs, it would be... fill in the blank.
  12. I have had some constituents ask me about voting to "cut" funding from the Equal Access to Justice Act. Here it is, in the form of an amendment vote on HR1
  13. Western Caucuses Release “Beyond Belief” Report, Report Highlights Administration’s “Say One Thing, Do Another” Approach to Electricity Production
  14. Praying for the Gulf Coast, that they will be safe from oncoming storms.
  15. Great to see everyone at the Hidalgo County Fair today.
    Photo: Great to see everyone at the Hidalgo County Fair today.
  16. I am humbled and grateful for the many, many kind birthday wishes I have already received today. Please know that your kindness means the world to me.

Earlier in September

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