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Publications and Tools

Green Building - General
Clean Diesel Construction
Energy Efficiency
EPA's Own Green Buildings
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions
Indoor Environmental Quality
Materials and Recycling/Reuse
Smart Growth
Urban Heat Islands
Water Efficiency
Water Quality

Note: this web site does not include links to the many non-Federal green building resources available, but such links may be found on Greening EPA's links to Green Building Resources.

Green Buildings - General

EPA Green Building Publications (PDF) (12 pp, 919K, About PDF)- A summary of EPA green building related resources and how to order them.

Green Homes Website Description (PDF) (1 pg, 147K, About PDF) - This document, a one-page description of EPA's Green Homes website, is intended to increase awareness among homeowners of the availability of this website and the green home solutions that it offers.

Green Building Strategy (PDF) (2 pp, 697K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 100-F-08-073, November 2008.

Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) 4.0 (Developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology) offers a powerful technique for selecting cost-effective green building products. The tool is based on consensus standards and is designed to be practical, flexible, and transparent.

Sustainable Communities Start with Healthy and Green Homes Workshop

Audio Program (Mp3):(7.7 MB, 8:29 minutes) To download, right click file and save file to desktop.

Read transcript of audio program

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Case Studies for Stormwater Management on Compacted, Contaminated Soils in Dense Urban Areas (PDF) (4 pp, 409K); EPA Publication # 560-F-07-232, April 2008.

Design Principles for Stormwater Management on Compacted, Contaminated Soils in Dense Urban Areas (PDF) (4 pp, 809K); EPA Publication # 560-F-07-231, April 2008.

Detroit, MI: Recycling at Automotive Site Spurs Revitalization (PDF) (3 pp, 192K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 560-F-08-001, January 2008.

Emeryville, CA: A Former California Brownfield Recycled (PDF) (3 pp, 152K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 560-F-07-228, August 2007.

EPA’s Brownfields and Land Revitalization Programs: Changing American Lands and Lives (PDF) (2 pp, 1.16M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 560-F-08-241, April 2008.

Promoting Responsible Redevelopment at the Empire Canyon Daly West Mine Site (PDF) (2 pp, 176K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 330-B-08-001, May 2008.

RCRA In Focus: Construction, Demolition, and Renovation (PDF) (24 pp, 1.33M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-K-04-005, September 2004.

Recover Your Resources: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Construction and Demolition Materials at Land Revitalization Projects (PDF) (8 pp, 1.42M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 560-F-08-242, April 2008.

Revitalizing Mothballed Properties (PDF) (32 pp, 9.2M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 560-R-08-003, October 2008.

Worcester, MA: Expanding Markets and Revitalizing Communities (PDF) (3 pp, 242K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 560-F-08-247, April 2008.

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Clean Diesel Construction

Breathing Clean by Building Green: Clean Diesel Construction (DVD). Free copies are available from the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) or at 1-800-490-9198. Please use item number EPA-902-V-07-001 for ordering.

Clean Construction USA Brochure (PDF) (8 pp, 1.81M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 420-F-05-032, November 2005.

Low-Cost Ways to Cleaner Construction Brochure (PDF) (6 pp, 2.41M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 420-F-08-008, February 2008.

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Energy Efficiency

Build Energy Star Qualified Homes (PDF) (5 pp, 1.17M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 430-F-07-011, 2007.

Energy Star Action Guide (PDF) (8 pp, 853K, About PDF), April 2004.

Energy Star New Homes (PDF) (6 pp, 1.49M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 430-F-09-053, March 2009.

Home Performance with Energy Star (PDF) (5 pp, 1.58M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 430-F-09-001, January 2009.

New Homes with the Energy Star Indoor Air Package (PDF) (5 pp, 881K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 430-E-05-002, October 2005.

Quick List of Energy Star Resources for Buildings (PDF) (2 pp, 2.93M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 430-F-07-021, August 2007.

Quick List of Energy Star Resources for Homes (PDF) (1 pp, 1.05M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 430-F-07-022, August 2007.

Seal and Insulate with Energy Star (PDF) (5 pp, 615K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 430-F-09-052, March 2009.

The Energy Star Challenge (PDF) (2 pp, 6.85M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 430-F-07-016, August 2007.

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EPA's Own Green Buildings

Our Green Campus- A Model for the Future (PDF) (7 pp, 484K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 220-F-02-001, August 2008.

Setting a Standard for Sustainable Design (PDF) (2 pp, 1.71M, About PDF), May 2008.

The Greening Curve- Lessons Learned in the Design of the New EPA Campus in North Carolina (PDF) (91 pp, 3.9M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 220-K-02-001, November 2001.

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions

Safe Disposal Procedures for Household Appliances that Use Refrigerants (PDF) (4 pp, 383K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-F-06-020, July 2006.

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Indoor Environmental Quality

An Office Building Occupant's Guide to Indoor Air Quality: What You Can Do to Improve the Indoor Air in Your Office; EPA Publication # 402-K-97-003, October 1997.

Building a New Home- Have you Considered Radon? EPA Publication # 402-F-98-001, September 1998.

Care for Your Air: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality (PDF) (7 pp, 2.23M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 402-F-08-008, September 2008.

Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers (2 pp, 244K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 402-F-99-005, July 1999.

Contractors- Lead Safety During Renovation (PDF) (2 pp, 629K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 740-F-08-001, March 2008.

Design Tools for Schools (US EPA's Office of Air and Radiation) help school districts and facility planners design new High-Performance Schools with healthier indoor environmental quality and better environmental performance.

Give Your Child the Chance of a Lifetime: Keep Your Child Lead-Safe (PDF) (2 pp, 136K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 747-F-04-002, February 2004.

I-BEAM (US EPA's Office of Air and Radiation's Indoor Environments Division) is a computer software program that integrates indoor air quality, energy efficiency, and building economics into a unique building management tool.

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools (US EPA's Office of Air and Radiation) shows schools how to carry out a practical plan of action to improve indoor environmental problems.

Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home (PDF) (17 pp, 673K, About PDF) | en español (PDF) (8 pp, 679K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 747-K-99-001, June 2003.

Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers, and Schools (PDF) (19 pp, 1.59M); | en español (PDF) (8 pp, 679K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 740-F-08-002, March 2008.

Step Up to Indoor airPLUS (PDF) (8 pp, 1.03M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 402-K-09-003, January 2009.

Step Up to the Energy Star Indoor Air Package (PDF) (8 pp, 966K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 430-E-05-003, 2005.

The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality EPA Publication # 402-K-93-007, 1995.

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Materials and Recycling/Reuse

EPA’s Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC)

General Information on Construction and Demolition Materials

General information on Using Recycled Industrial Materials in Construction

RCRA in Focus: Construction, Demolition, and Renovation (PDF) (24 pp, 1.4MB, About PDF); EPA Publication # EPA-530-K-04-005, September 2004.

The Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers Exit Disclaimer

Using Recycled Industrial Materials in Buildings (PDF) (4 pp, 538K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-F-08-022, October 2008.

Industrial Materials Recycling (PDF) (2 pp, 1.42M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-F-07-008, January 2007.

Building for the Future (PDF) (2 pp, 415K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-F-07-020b, September 2007.

Software for Environmental Awareness (SEAHOME), Mercury in Buildings Tool (US EPA Region 5 and Purdue University) is for construction and demolition contractors and owners and managers of buildings to make them aware of the problem of mercury in buildings and to provide information on how to solve this problem.

The Construction Initiative (PDF) (2 pp, 1.79M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-F-08-013, June 2008.

WasteWise Program Fact Sheet (PDF) (4 pp, 3.72M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-F-06-009, May 2006.

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Smart Growth

Best Development Practices: Land Use, Transportation, Environmental, and Housing (PDF) (36 pp, 1.68M, About PDF); 1998.

Creating Great Neighborhoods: Density in your Community (PDF) (42 pp, 3.94M, About PDF); September 2003.

Free Smart Growth Publications and Smart Growth Network Partners (PDF) (4 pp, 2.7M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 231-F-06-008, November 2007.

Getting to Smart Growth (PDF) (104 pp, 2M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 231-R-05-001, 2002. Exit Disclaimer

Getting to Smart Growth II (PDF) (122 pp, 1.83M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 231-R-05-002, 2003. Exit Disclaimer

National Award for Smart Growth Achievement 2008 Awards Publication (PDF) (20 pp, 1.64M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 231-K-08-001, November 2008.

Our Built and Natural Environments (PDF) (102 pp, 1.5M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 231-R-01-002, January 2001.

Parking Spaces/Community Places (PDF) (70 pp, 3.44M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 231-K-06-001, January 2006.

Pedestrian and Transit-Friendly Design: A Primer for Smart Growth (PDF) (26 pp, 2.75M, About PDF), 1999.

Protecting Water Resources with Smart Growth (PDF) (2 pp, 195K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 842-F-02-008, September 2005.

This is Smart Growth (PDF) (32 pp, 2.41M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 231-K-06-002, September 2006. Exit Disclaimer

Using Smart Growth Techniques as Stormwater Best Management Practices (PDF) (112 pp, 1.62M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 231-B-05-002, December 2005.

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Urban Heat Islands

Urban Heat Island Outreach Materials

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Water Efficiency

Flush Fact vs. Flush Fiction (PDF) (2 pp, 153K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 832-F-07-012, June 2008.

Indoor Water Use in the United States (PDF) (1 pp, 260K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 832-F-06-004, June 2008.

Outdoor Water Use in the United States (PDF) (1 pp, 158K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 832-F-06-005, August 2008.

Simple Steps to Save Water (PDF) (2 pp, 1.47M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 832-F-07-011, March 2008.

The WaterSense Label (PDF) (1 pp, 1.65K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 832-F-06-019, September 2007.

Water Supply Use in the United States (PDF) (1 pp, 243K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 832-F-06-006, June 2008.

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Water Quality

After the Storm

Green Scaping- The Easier Way to a Greener, Healthier Yard (PDF) (16 pp, 2.06M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-K-06-002, June 2006.

GreenScapes- Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping (PDF) (8 pp, 756K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-K-05-003, May 2005.

GreenScapes Seasonal Planner (PDF) (2 pp, 999K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 530-F-07-045, 2007.

National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Urban Areas (PDF) (518 pp, 5.41M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 841-B-05-004, November 2005.

Reduce Runoff: Slow it Down, Spread it Out, Soak it In; Video| Factsheet (PDF) (1 pp, 470K, About PDF), January 2009.

Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff (PDF) (2 pp, 232K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 841-F-03-003, 2003.

Reducing Stormwater Costs through Low Impact Development (LID) Strategies and Practices (PDF) (37 pp, 770K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 841-F-07-006, December 2007.

Stormwater Management at EPA HQ (PDF) (4 pp, 2M, About PDF); EPA Publication # 841-F-06-005, November 2006.

Watershed Academy Webcasts (PDF) (2 pp, 140K, About PDF); EPA Publication # 841-K-06-001, December 2006.

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