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Boehner on FOX News: We Will Not Raise Taxes on Small Businesses
Posted by Press Office on July 27, 2012

In an interview with FOX News’ Greta Van Susteren, Congressman John Boehner said the House will vote next week to stop President Obama’s tax hike on small businesses, which Ernst & Young says would destroy more than 700,000 jobs. Boehner said, “We have a serious problem with our economy,” but Senate Democrats are blocking more than 30 House-passed jobs bills, and President Obama is too busy campaigning to meet with his jobs council. Watch the interview here and find several excerpts below:

Boehner: House Will Stop the Small Business Tax Hike That Threatens 700,000 Jobs

“The House next week will vote to stop the looming tax hikes scheduled to take effect on January the 1st.  The president’s plan would cost about 700,000 new jobs that wouldn’t be created or could be lost by taxing small businesses. The House will not do that.  The House will extend all of the existing tax rates. We’re at eight percent unemployment.  We’ve got 41 months of it.  This is not the time to be raising taxes on American small business.”

Boehner: President Obama is Too Busy Campaigning to Meet with His Jobs Council

“The American people don’t need to be paying higher taxes at a time when our economy is not doing well. You know, the president is out there running around, campaigning, avoiding sitting down with his own jobs council.  He hasn’t met with them for over six months.  And if you look at the report that the president’s jobs council put out, guess what?  It supports many of the ideas that we’ve passed in House and sent over to the Senate.”

Boehner: Senate Democrats are Blocking More than 30 House-Passed Jobs Bills

“We’ve got 30 bills sitting over in the United States Senate that would help our -- get our economy moving again and get the American people back to work.”

Boehner: November will be a Referendum on President Obama’s Failed Economic Policies

“You know, the real unemployment rate is almost 15 percent. And then if you look at black unemployment, Hispanic unemployment, you’re into the high teens and low 20s.  And then look at the college graduates, recent college graduates, where you’ve got 50 percent of those graduates either unemployed or underemployed. We have a serious problem with our economy.  And the president won’t even meet with his own jobs council.  His policies have failed.  They’ve actually made things worse.  And this election is coming up in November is going to be a referendum on the president’s economic policies.”

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