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Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity
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Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity


For DoDEA to be the model employer with a diverse workforce founded upon equality of opportunity.


To provide technical and professional advice to DoDEA's worldwide workforce in accordance with Title VII and all applicable EEO regulatory guidelines which safeguard the workplace from discrimination based on sex, race, color, National Origin, age, disability, religion, and reprisal.

DMEO Guiding Principles

DMEO's guiding principles are trust and respect for all people; development of partnerships with internal functional departments within DoDEA and other DoD components with which it works; equal access to employment, training, and pay for quality performance; continuance of new and motivating challenges to inspire excellence in the workplace; open communication with its stakeholders; and the best training skills available to bring positive results with high expectations from participants.

Employees and applicants must contact the EEO Office at DoDEA, Attn: DMEO, 4800 Mark Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 22350-1400, 571-372-0966, within 45 days of the discriminating act to begin complaint counseling. EEO counselors assigned to process informal complaints are appointed by the EEO Chief. They are not advocates for management or the complainant, but serve as an impartial third party.

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