For Immediate Release
September 11, 2012

Another Day, Another Study, Another Broken Promise

Kaiser Family Foundation Survey Separates ObamaCare Fact from Fiction

Today’s Kaiser Family Foundation Employer Survey shows that the President’s partisan health law is making health care more expensive for American families while it takes away health care choices:  

FICTION:  “We’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year” (Senator Obama, June 5, 2008)

FACT:  American families are paying more…a lot more.  According to the Kaiser Family Foundation Survey health care premiums for families have risen by $672 or more than four percent in the last year alone.  In fact, since President Obama took office, health premiums for families have increased from $13,375 in 2009 to $15,475 this year – an increase of $2,100. This is almost the exact opposite of the $2,500 promised in savings.

To put this in perspective, a recent study by Sentier Research showed that median income for American families has fallen by 4.8 percent under this Administration. So while incomes keep dropping, health care costs continue to explode and consume an ever great portion of dwindling paychecks of middle-class families across the nation.

FICTION:  “Nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have” (President Barack Obama, Sep 9, 2009)

FACT: You can’t keep what you have. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation Survey more than half of the workers – 52 percent – have now been forced out of their pre-ObamaCare coverage of choice.  In fact, according to the Administration’s own analysis more than half of all employers, including 80 percent of small businesses, will be forced to give up their current coverage by next year.
