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Grants & Funding

Grants & Funding

The Exchange Network Grant Program provides funding to states, territories, and federally recognized Indian tribes to support the development of the National Environmental Information Exchange Network.  Since FY 2002, EPA has awarded approximately $171 million in assistance agreements to build the Network.  All 50 states, five territories, and 87 federally recognized tribes have received grants to facilitate their involvement in the development and implementation of the Exchange Network.  

U.S. EPA Releases FY 2013 Exchange Network Grant Solicitation Notice

Exchange Network Grant Applications Due November 9, 2012
Applicants for the FY 2013 Exchange Network Grant program must submit an application package to EPA by November 9, 2012.  In FY 2013, EPA expects to award an estimated $10,000,000 for 40 to 50 grants of up to $500,000.  The exact number of grants will depend on the final amount of EPA’s appropriation for the grant program, the number of applications submitted to EPA by the application deadline, the amounts of proposed budgets, and the outcome of application reviews.  The primary outcome expected from the Exchange Network assistance agreements is improved access to, and exchange of, high-quality environmental data from public and private sector sources.  With this outcome in mind, applications should demonstrate support for and results toward the EN program priorities.  EPA will accept project proposals for Exchange Network grants in one of two ways: 1) a hardcopy mailed or delivered application, including one original and two copies; or 2) a proposal submitted electronically through the grants.gov website.  EPA anticipates that it will announce selection decisions in or around April 2013.  EPA plans to issue the awards by July 31, 2013. 

FY 2013 Exchange Network Grant Solicitation Notice (PDF) (85 pp, 604 KB)

Implementation Plan (11 KB) spreadsheet that all state applicants must complete and submit

Checklist of Documents (PDF) (1 pp, 23 KB) to submit for FY 2013 Exchange Network Grant Applications

What's New (PDF) (1 pp, 18 KB) in the FY 2013 Exchange Network Grant Solicitation Notice

A list of Do's and Don'ts (PDF) (1 pp, 18 KB) for the FY 2013 Exchange Network Solicitation Notice

List of Exchange Network Grants meeting Excessive Unliquidated Obligations Criteria (lists will be updated October 2012 and January 2013):

2 Year Excessive ULO (PDF) (1 pp, 259 KB)

3 Year Excessive ULO (PDF) (1 pp, 269 KB)

4 Year Excessive ULO (PDF) (2 pp, 70 KB)

5 Year Excessive ULO (PDF) (3 pp, 287 KB)


Exchange Network Grant Award & Project Information
Review 2002 - 2010 information on Exchange Network grants. Find out more about the types of activities that states, tribes and territories are involved in, which are helping to support the Exchange Network.

Related Grants Information and Resources


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