Congressman Larry Bucshon Named Guardian of Small Business

Sep 13, 2012 Issues: Jobs and Economy
Congressman Bucshon is presented the Guardian of Small Business Award by NFIB President and CEO Dan Danner
Congressman Larry Bucshon Named Guardian of Small Business

(Washington, D.C.) – Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-08) was named a Guardian of Small Business by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) today.  Congressman Bucshon received a perfect score of 100 percent for his voting record in the 112th Congress.

Congressman Bucshon (IN-08) states:

“With a majority of job creation coming from small businesses over the past few decades, I believe it is important to promote policies that encourage small business growth.”

Dan Danner, President and CEO of the NFIB, states:

“In the 112th Congress, Representative Larry Bucshon proved that he is a champion of small business.  The Guardian of Small Business Award is a legislative award given to U.S. Representatives and Senators who vote to promote and protect the right of small-business owners to own, operate, and grow their business.”

