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Health Coverage and the Uninsured
Updated Key Resources on Health Coverage and the Uninsured
The Foundation has a bevy of newly updated resources that examine the size and characteristics of the uninsured population in the U.S., explain why so many Americans lack coverage, review the consequences of not having coverage, examine differences in uninsured rates among states, and summarize how the uninsured may be affected by health reform. Also available are supplemental tables with more detailed data on health coverage nationally and at the state level.
Summary of Coverage Provisions in the Health Reform Law
This summary describes the health coverage provisions contained in the final version of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law in March 2010, including the individual mandate requirements, expansion of public programs, health insurance exchanges, changes to private insurance, employer requirements and cost and coverage estimates.
Overview of Health Coverage for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency
This brief provides an overview of the 21.1 million people in the United States with limited English proficiency (LEP) and describes their access to health coverage and care.
Interactive Quiz Tests Knowledge About The Uninsured Population and the Consequences of Not Having Health Coverage.
Tens of millions of Americans lack health coverage, and the substantial growth of the uninsured population in recent decades was a primary impetus for passage of the Affordable Care Act. Take our Uninsured Quiz to gauge how much you know about the uninsured population and the consequences of not having health coverage.
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State Coverage of Preventive Services for Women under Medicaid: Findings from a State-Level Survey -- November 2012
Establishing Health Insurance Exchanges: An Overview of State Efforts -- November 2012 KCMU Material
Faces of the Medicaid Expansion: Experiences and Profiles of Uninsured Adults Who Could Gain Coverage -- November 2012 KCMU Material
State Fiscal Conditions and Medicaid Program Changes, FY 2012-2013 -- November 2012 KCMU Material
Pulling It Together: The News Media and "Entitlement Reform" -- November 2012
The Cost and Coverage Implications of the ACA Medicaid Expansion: National and State-by-State Analysis -- November 2012 KCMU Material
The Role of Medicaid for Adults With Chronic Illnesses -- November 2012 KCMU Material
Why Does Medicaid Spending Vary Across States: A Chartbook of Factors Driving State Spending -- November 2012 KCMU Material
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: November 2012 -- November 2012
Medicaid Quiz -- November 2012 KCMU Material
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