Europe-wide Student Activities

DoDDS-Europe offers students a variety of state level activities and academic competitions. These activities are designed to enhance and extend classroom instruction and provide students with the opportunity to apply their academic skills in reality-based situations. The following activities are currently being sponsored by DoDDS-Europe


Creative Connections
Oberwesel, Germany | November 4 – 9, 2012 | Grades 9-12 Creative Connections, a six-day Visual and Performing Arts symposium for talented high school students, will be held November 4-9, 2012 at the Jugendgästehaus Oberwesel/Rhein. Instructors include experienced DoDDS teachers and contracted art and music specialists. This year's classes include drama, show choir, strings, dance, music arranging, video production, digital design, drawing, mixed-media and watercolor. The week of intensive instruction challenges students to explore new creative avenues and refine their skills to the highest levels. As one instructor described it, "Creative Connections is a whole semester of Fine Arts packed into one week." The activity culminates with an exhibition of artwork followed by stage performances on Thursday evening beginning at 5:00 p.m. The exhibit and show are open to the public. Student registration fee: € 200.
Jazz Seminar
Ramstein HS, Germany | January 13 – 18, 2013 | Grades 9-12 This big band swing style seminar incorporates 28 student instrumentalists and 8 ensemble vocalists who focus on the study of jazz. Under the direction of major jazz musicians/educators, students have the opportunity to listen, read, perform, and improvise jazz music. Audition material is sent to high schools in September. Students apply through their local high school by submitting a recorded audition for adjudication in early November. Jazz Seminar concludes with presenting a series of jazz concerts for the local community and schools. Host School 2012 is Ramstein HS in Germany. Seminar: January 13-18, 2012. Student registration estimate: €220 for lodging and meals. This is subject to change.
Honors Music Festival
Mainz, Germany | April 21-26, 2013 | Grades 9-12 The Honors Music Festival offers 60 student instrumentalists and 80 vocalists the opportunity to study and perform a variety of band and choral literature under the batons of two of America's finest conductors. After a period of intensive rehearsals with the guest conductors, the students present an evening concert with a combined band and choral finale. Preparation takes place in Mainz, Germany, and the concert is performed at the Kurhaus in Wiesbaden, a major European concert hall. Students apply through their local high school by submitting a recorded audition. Adjudication will be January 31, 2013 while the event is April 21-26, 2013. Student registration fee: €200 for lodging and meals.
All European Culinary Faire
Baumholder High School, Germany | Feb. 12-15, 2013 | Grades 10-12 Each high school with a Culinary Arts Program will follow the Competition Rules provided by ProStart, the adopted DoDEA Culinary Curriculum. Teams consisting of 4 students and 1 alternate will demonstrate their culinary knowledge, skills, and creative abilities necessary to obtain employment in the hospitality industry. A school team will work together to create and present a meal consisting of a starter, entrée (including a provided protein, vegetable and starch) and dessert. Teams may prepare by working with industry mentors to formulate a menu and select at least two cooking methods. Teams will compete in knife skills and quiz bowl and students may participate in individual events such as napkin folding, cake decorating, and apple carving. A fine dining experience is also planned. The Faire will be held at Baumholder High School, Germany, February 12-15, 2013. A registration fee of between 150 -180 Euro will be charged per student to include most meals and lodging. Transportation will be provided by DoDDS.