Eighth Army Good Neighbor Program

Community Events


Good Neighbor Events

November 18, 2011 - "Salute to Veterans" Concert at Seoul American High School: Read more

October 27, 2011 - Friendship Concert at Seoul American High School: Read more

June 29, 2011 - Free opera concert at Seoul American High School: Read more

May 15, 2011 - Chunggyesan Royal Azalea Blossom Festival: Read more

May 14, 2011 - Gangnam Sports Day in Seoul: Read more

Good Neighbor Stories

December 23, 2011: Eighth Army Soldiers visit Namsan Orphanage: Read more

December 18, 2011: Eighth Army Band plays at annual holiday concert: Read more

November 4, 2011: Eighth Army officials visit Seoul police headquarters: Read more

Good Neighbor News

December 5, 2011: Eighth Army KSC Battalion shares love with neighbors: Read more


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