






Noncombatant Evacuation Operations

Courageous Channel is an opportunity for DoD family members and non-emergency essential DOD Civilians to ensure they and their families are prepared in case of an emergency.NEO

It is MANDATORY for all DoD family members and non-emergency essential DoD civilian employees. It is voluntary for U.S. embassy personnel, DoD retirees, contractors and their families. Any other U.S. civilians with base access are also invited to participate.

To learn how to correctly employ the Infant Chemical Agent Protection System, watch the ICAPS video.

Your ICAPS mask comes in a yellow sealed box and it's all right to open that box to do your training.  However, the sealed canister inside the box must remain sealed.

To learn more about the M52 Joint Service Chemical Environment Survivability Mask, click here.

Noncombatant Checklist

Contact your NEO Warden

Complete NEO packet documents

Register as noncombatant at local EEC