U.S. Representative Ed Royce

40th District of California

Health Care

Problems in our health care system need addressing. But adding more government into a system already dominated by red tape and bloated bureaucracies is not the answer. We are faced with trillion dollar deficits for years to come. Now is not the time to pile on a $2 trillion entitlement.

Instead of empowering bureaucrats, we should empower doctors and patients through market-based changes to our existing system that will enhance consumer choice and encourage greater competition.

Speaker Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid’s government takeover of healthcare imposes a new tax on business, which will destroy current and new jobs during a time when millions of Americans are already unemployed. This is why, one of the first votes taken in the 112th Congress was the repeal of Obamacare.

Congress should focus on alternatives that actually lower costs and avoid putting our country on a path toward bankruptcy. I support three simple, low cost solutions to reform our health care system. Any reform effort must include tort reform to rein in junk lawsuits that make the cost of healthcare skyrocket. I want to allow small businesses and individuals to purchase health care across state lines and access one broad national market. Small businesses should be allowed to band together to purchase health care for their employees at a more affordable price, just as large corporations and unions do.