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Federal Election Commission



Educational Outreach

Sign -up to receive e-mail updates regarding FEC conferences and workshops. Sign -up to receive e-mail updates regarding FEC conferences and workshops.

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As a supplement to our conferences, workshops and other educational outreach programs, the Federal Election Commission now offers instructional content on-line, including video workshops and interactive presentations. Peruse the educational videos and test your knowledge of the campaign finance law on our E-Learning Resources page.


Conferences and Seminars

Each year, the Federal Election Commission sponsors conferences/seminars where Commissioners and staff conduct a variety of technical workshops on the law. Discussion topics include fundraising, reporting and communications. Workshops are designed for those seeking an introduction to the basic provisions of the law as well as for those more experienced in campaign finance law. For questions about the conference/seminar program, call the FEC's Information Division at 1-800/424-9530 (or locally, 202/694-1100) or send an e-mail to (include your name, contact information and track of interest (candidate, party, nonconnected or corporate/labor/trade PAC)). Please direct questions about regional conference registration to Sylvester Management Corporation at 1-800/246-7277.  Click here to sign up to receive e-mail updates regarding FEC conferences and workshops.

2012 Conference/Seminar Schedule
Program Information Date Location Registration


Regional Conference for Campaigns, Party Committees and Corporate/Labor/Trade PACs



February 22-23, 2012 Miami, FL

Subscribe to our email list to be notified when registration for the 2013 conference begins.


Seminar/Webinar for House and Senate Campaigns and Party Committees


March 21, 2012 FEC Headquarters
Washington, DC


Subscribe to our email list to be notified when registration for the 2013 conference begins.



Seminar/Webinar for Corporations and their PACs


April 25, 2012

FEC Headquarters
Washington, DC

Subscribe to our email list to be notified when registration for the 2013 conference begins.


Seminar/Webinar for Trade Associations, Labor Organizations, Membership Organizations and their PACs



May 23, 2012

FEC Headquarters
Washington, DC

Subscribe to our email list to be notified when registration for the 2013 conference begins.

*Note: You only need to subscribe once to the e-mail list to receive notification for all FEC workshops.



The FEC conducts roundtable sessions for the regulated community. The roundtables typically focus on a range of topics from election year communications to reporting. See the chart below.

Candidates, congressional staffers, lawyers, accountants, consultants and political committee staff are invited to register for the sessions, which will be held at the FEC, 999 E Street, NW, Washington, DC. FEC staff will facilitate the sessions.

Registration is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Prepayment by credit card is required. Please call or email the Sylvester Management Corporation before registering to ensure there is still space in the session. Download the registration form, then email or fax it to Sylvester Management Corporation to sign up for a session. (The form is also available from Faxline, the FEC's automated fax system. Call 202/501-3413 and request document 590.) If a workshop sells out, Sylvester Management Corporation will maintain a waiting list in the event there are cancellations.

For more information about the roundtable sessions, call the FEC's Information Division at 1-800/424-9530 (press 6) or 202/694-1100 or send an email to To inquire if registration is still open, call Sylvester Management Corporation at 1-800/246-7277 or send an to email Fax the registration form (available below) for the roundtable to 1-803/732-0135.

Upcoming Roundtables


 Date and Time

 Intended Audience

Reporting for Candidate Committees October 3, 2012
9:30 - 11:00 AM
Individuals responsible for completing Candidate Committee reports Registration Fee:
$25 to attend in-person
$15 to participate online
Click here to register online.
Click here to download a registration form.
FECFiling & E-Filing for PACS and Party Committees October 3, 2012
9:30 - 11:00 AM
FECFile users who file reports for PAC/Party Committees Registration Fee:
$25 to attend in-person
$15 to participate online
Click here to register online.
Click here to download a registration form.
Reporting for PACs and Party Committees October 3, 2012
1:00 - 2:30 PM
Individuals responsible for completing PAC/Party reports Registration Fee:
$25 to attend in-person
$15 to participate online
Click here to register online.
Click here to download a registration form.
FECFiling & E-Filing for Candidate Committees October 3, 2012
1:00 - 2:30 PM
FECFile users who file reports for Candidate Committees Registration Fee:
$25 to attend in-person
$15 to participate online
Click here to register online.
Click here to download a registration form.


Public Appearances

FEC Commissioners and staff often accept invitations to speak to groups on campaign finance issues, both in-person and via web conference. If your organization would like to invite a Commissioner or FEC staff member to speak, please contact the Information Division:

Toll-free: 1-800/424-9530
Locally: 202/694-1100
Fax: 202/219-8504