U.S. Representative Ed Royce | In The News
District Update | July 16, 2012
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U.S. Representative Ed Royce

Dear Friends, 

The latest unemployment report revealed a stagnant 8.2 percent unemployment rate; the forty first consecutive month of unemployment above 8 percent.  While the Administration continues to support tax and spend policies, the House continues its efforts to create an environment that allows small businesses and entrepreneurs to grow and hire. 

Last week, with bipartisan support, the House passed the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act.  The legislation allows the U.S. to more effectively develop critical minerals, which are vital to job growth, economic competitiveness and national security.  These minerals are critical for everyday items like cell phones, medical devices, and computers. 

Due to government red tape and burdensome permitting, mining jobs have gone overseas.  The U.S. is now 100 percent reliant on foreign countries for 19 critical and strategic minerals.  Specifically, this legislation requires the U.S. more efficiently develop domestic sources of these minerals – to access the supplies we need right here in our country. 


Representative Ed Royce

Top District Issues

No More Solyndras

Last week, legislation to prevent additional failed stimulus projects, like Solyndra (which cost American taxpayers $535 million) was introduced.  The No More Solyndras Act will increase transparency and accountability and end failed programs so taxpayers aren't footing the bill for Washington's risky bets.  Under the new legislation the Department of Energy is required to outline its decision-making process to Congress.  Additionally, the loan guarantee program offered to Solyndra will be phased out.  The bill's introduction comes the same week reports from the Wall Street Journal found that stimulus tax dollars were shipped overseas to foreign firms and workers.  Learn more about the legislation here.  


What do you think will help create jobs?

  • Reduce burdensome regulations on small businesses.
  • Balance the federal budget.
  • Pass tax policies that encourage long-term growth.
  • Increase domestic energy production.
  • Pass another stimulus.
  • Unsure  
  • Vote Now!

    July 31: The deadline for Fall internship applicants in Rep. Royce's Washington, D.C. office is Tuesday, July 31.  Click here for more details.
    In Case You Missed It

    In Rep. Royce's latest blog he writes on Iran's faux "right" to enrich uranium: "No surprise, but negotiations over Iran's nuclear program are going nowhere. Of late, Iran has been making much – even including a power-point presentation - of its alleged 'right' to enrich uranium, which is the heart of the dispute. Its uranium enrichment program leaves Iran perilously close to developing nuclear weapons, a risk we can't take."  MORE...

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