Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
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HVO Happenings

Developing Energy from an Active Volcano: The Kīlauea Geothermal Story So Far
On September 25, HVO scientists will present a brief history of geothermal development in Hawaiʻi, including a description of the hydrothermal system on Kīlauea Volcano's lower east rift zone and potential seismic and volcanic hazards, in this "After Dark in the Park" program. Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium, Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, 7:00 p.m. Free.

"A mantle-driven surge in magma supply to Kīlauea Volcano during 2003-2007"
This Nature Geoscience article ( by current and former HVO scientists explains that the amount of magma from the Hawaiian hotspot is not supplied to Kīlauea at a constant rate, but can experience surges, which can cause significant changes in the volcano's eruptive behavior.

Hawaiian Volcanoes—This month in History

September 24, 1971 Kīlauea eruption September 24, 1971 blackdot Kīlauea erupted for the second time in six weeks just after 7:00 p.m. Within an hour, cracks opened across Crater Rim Drive (left), forming a small graben about 3 m (10 ft) wide and 2 m (6 ft) deep in the pavement, and lava began fountaining from a zone of fissures that extended from the central part of the caldera into the southwest rift zone. Fissures and ground-cracking continued to migrate down Kīlauea's southwest rift zone for a distance of 12 km (7 mi), with lava fountains erupting from a succession of discontinuous vents during this 5-day-long eruption.


More Volcano Information from HVO and Beyond

Earthquake seismogramReport a felt earthquake to HVO using this form.
More USGS Volcano Web sites

Volcano WatchCurrent issue of Volcano Watch essay, written weekly by USGS scientists.
National Park ServiceHawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, home to HVO. Find visitor information and resources here. Graphic: Kids DoorVolcanoes for kids, from the Volcano World website.
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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, USA
Contact HVO
     phone: 808-967-7328 M-F 8 am - 4:30 pm H.s.t.

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Last modification: 11 September 2012 (pnf)