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  • WaterSense
  • WaterSense Label Use Guidelines for the Media

WaterSense Label Use Guidelines for the Media

Using the WaterSense label

The WaterSense label was created to identify products and programs that meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) criteria for water efficiency and performance. To maintain the integrity of this mark, use of the WaterSense label is restricted to manufacturer partners and professional certifying organizations that meet the program's specifications. The label may also be used by media outlets in order to assist audiences in identifying the WaterSense label. By making the label available to media, WaterSense intends to increase awareness of the label, and the media outlet must take responsibility for adhering to these guidelines to ensure the label is displayed properly and is protected from copying, downloading, or reproduction.

What is the WaterSense label?

The WaterSense label is the mark used to designate a product that meets EPA's criteria for water efficiency and performance or a professional certification program that meets EPA's program specifications. It is a circular mark that includes the WaterSense leaf/drop image surrounded by the words "WaterSense" and "Meets EPA Criteria." When the label appears in conjunction with a certified product, the name of the licensed certifying body is identified underneath the label. However, for media reproduction purposes, the certifying body identifier should not be included.

How can the WaterSense label be used by the media?

Use only the original art files as provided by EPA. The WaterSense label may not be altered, cut, separated, or otherwise distorted in size or appearance. Colors must be reproduced in their entirety, or grayscale/pure black versions are available for one-color applications. The media can use the WaterSense label in the following ways:

  • In articles or other printed materials about the WaterSense program that advise readers about how to identify WaterSense labeled products or programs.
  • On Web sites that describe the WaterSense program and its label. If the site lists or describes specific products that are labeled, the label can be near those products, but the Web host is responsible to ensure the labeled products match those on the EPA Web registry of WaterSense labeled products, and that the label cannot be copied or downloaded for use by anyone other than the approved media outlet.
  • In product articles, publications, or catalogs focusing on products, the WaterSense label can be used in direct conjunction with labeled products, if designated by a manufacturer.

Please note: The WaterSense label should only be used on informational materials and should not be disseminated to other entities for their promotional purposes. The WaterSense label may not be used to imply EPA endorsement of a company, organization, product, or service, and should never be associated with products that do not meet the WaterSense program criteria.

WaterSense promotional label

WaterSense promotional label

WaterSense has also developed a "promotional label" for retailers and other partners to use to encourage consumers to look for the WaterSense label. The promotional label is a colored box that displays the WaterSense label accompanied by one of three phrases: "look for," "ask about," or "we sell." This mark may also be appropriate for use in the media, and can be used more broadly than the label itself. The promotional label is available from EPA's WaterSense program. E-mail the WaterSense Helpline or call (866) WTR-SENS (987-7367) for a copy.

This document also available in PDF (2 pp, 50K, About PDF).

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