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WIA Reporting and Data Evaluation

The due date for the PY11 Annual Reports is October 1, 2012.

Annual WIA General Reporting Instructions and Form 9091

The user's guide for the WIA Annual Report Data System, and resources for creating text files are available. This link connects to a Zip file containing the following resources:

  • The User's Guide for submitting annual report data to ETA through EBSS
  • A list of edit checks built into EBSS for Tables A through O
  • An Excel template of Tables A through O, including the cell numbering scheme
  • Excel files to help convert annual report data into text format
  • Example text formats for Tables A through O
  • A list of the Local Areas in each state as found in the drop-down menu for submitting Table O. States should note that data submissions must match this list. If the list does not match the state's list, for assistance please send an email to with the subject line “Table O.”
Finally, states are reminded that Tables A through O must be successfully saved before final edit checks are run and the data can be certified by the state PIN.
 Performance Reporting Directives

  • ETA has completed the online WIASRD Tutorial to help states and locals understand the data fields in the Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data. Issued September, 2011
  • TEN 8-10 Workforce Investment Act Self-Service Participant Reporting - What, Where, and How. This TEN clarifies self-service performance reporting policy by reiterating the existing definition and reporting instructions for WIA self-service only participants, examining how those instructions impact WIA performance data, and offering a "roadmap" for consistent reporting across the states and territories. Issued August 26, 2010
  • TEGL 31-09 informs and reminds the workforce investment system of the performance reporting requirements and associated timelines for submitting quarterly and annual reports and data validation results for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) title IB programs and National Emergency Grants (NEG); Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service; activities authorized under chapter 41 of title 38 United States Code (Local Veterans' Employment Representative and Disabled Veterans' Outreach Programs); the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program; the Indian and Native American Program (INAP); and the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP). Furthermore, this guidance announces a modification to the Source Documentation Requirements for Program Year (PY) 2009 WIA Data Element Validation. Issued June 11, 2010
  • TEGL 27-10 Program Year 2010/Fiscal Year 2011 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines. Issued May 11, 2011
  • TEGL 14-00, Change 3: Provides additional guidance to states regarding their WIA Annual Report Narrative which is due by October 1, 2009. States are now required to provide information on how waivers have affected their performance. Failure to submit the performance progress reports by the deadline may lead to incentive grant ineligibility for a state..  Issued August 24, 2009
  • TEGL 14-00, Change 2: To provide additional guidance to the States about the WIA Annual Report Narrative and update procedures for submission of the report to the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Issued September 25, 2008
  • TEN 9-08: To remind the workforce investment system of the performance reporting requirements and associated timelines for submitting  data validation results for the WIA Title 1B Programs and the Wagner-Peyser Program including Veterans, National Farmworker Jobs Program and the Trade Act programs. Issued September 3, 2008
  • TEN 19-07: Program Year 2006/Fiscal Year 2007 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines. Issued December 11, 2007
  • TEN 9-06: ETA reminds the workforce investment system of the deadlines for the PY2005 WIA Performance Reporting and the data validation results timeline for the following programs: Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title 1B, The Wagner-Peyser Act, activities authorized under Chapter 41 of Title 38, United States Code (Local Veterans Employment Representative and Disabled Veteran Outreach Service Programs), Trade Adjustment, Assistance (TAA) and National Farmworkers Jobs Program (NFJP). Issued August 17, 2006
  • TEN 5-05: “Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Reporting” for important information. Issued September 1, 2005
  • TEGL 14-03, Change 1: Performance Reporting Submission Procedures for the Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data (WIASRD), the Annual Report, and the Quarterly Reports under Title IB of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) for Program Years (PYs) 2003 and 2004 . Issued August 11, 2004
  • TEGL 14-03: Performance Reporting Submission Procedures for WIASRD and the Annual Report under WIA Title 1B. Issued November 13, 2003
  • TEGL 7-01, Change 1: Guidance on the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Management Information and Reporting System and the Automated Submission of the WIA 2001Annual Reports for the Period Ending June 30, 2002 . Issued November 14, 2002
  • TEGL 7-01: Performance Reporting Submission Procedures for the Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data (WIASRD) and the Annual Report under Title 1B of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and (WIASRD Submission Instructions). Issued November 25, 2001
  • TEGL No. 14-00, Change 1: Guidance on the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Management Information and Reporting System. Issued November 19, 2001
  • TEGL No. 14-00: Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Performance Reporting System. Issued March 5, 2001