Blog Posts tagged with "medical"

Community Service II – Medical Screening

This is my first time attending a Quality of Life (QoL) Conference, but what an opportunity it has been for me. This conference has enabled me to express so many morale issues that affect my location. As a secondary effect, I was able to interact with members of other services and align my issues with these sister services to create a joint or “purple” problem.

I want to express how excited I am that one of our focus group’s top two issues has been addressed which currently affects me, my family and so many others across the force. Attention has been brought to the poor medical screening process for family members with special needs prior to a PCS. All too often families with special needs are going to locations where medical treatment facilities are not capable of supporting them.

This is a service wide problem where families are slipping through the cracks. This issue being addressed has given me, personally, a ray of hope for an improvement process where families will be adequately cared for based on the capabilities provided from each location.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Christopher S. Cole
Volkel Air Base, Netherlands

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The Quality Of Life Conference comes to an end for 2010

Ok, for those of you who were paying attention and can count are probably thinking … if there were only 4 focus groups, how can there be a “Top 10." One can say a lot about the Texas educational system, but it did teach me that 4 times 2 does not equal 10. So the additional 2 issues came from The European Strategy Conference, which focuses on remote Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) areas, held last week in Ramstein, Germany.

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Health of the Force Focus Group at the Quality of Life Conference

Well, I have to say “Welcome" to everyone attending this year’s Quality of Life Conference. I have been in Germany for all of four months and thrilled to be here in the beautiful city of Garmisch. As a new Delegate for the Ansbach community, being a part of EUCOM’s mission for Quality of Life has turned out to be quite an experience.

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From the Doc: Latest on H1N1

Influenza rates across EUCOM have dropped dramatically

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From the Doc: H1N1 Update

The H1N1 vaccine has shown effectiveness by dropping the rates of flu like illness

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From the Doc: H1N1 Frequently Asked Questions

Hello everyone!  We're still monitoring the H1N1 situation in the European Command area of responsibility.  Vaccinations have begun for our military members and we're doing our best to get the vaccination to everyone. 

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On the Road with Dr. Hubner

In support of EUCOM’s efforts to do more interagency partnering, I found myself driving through the pouring rain out of Tirana, Albania to visit a remote hospital in Kukes. Kukes is one of 14 hospitals in Albania we would like to connect to the main Albanian hospital through telemedicine. This project would combine the efforts of USAID, an NGO and the DoD to link the hospitals by using the internet for training, counsel and a second opinion via a program like Skype. It will allow Albanian citizens with complex or rare medical conditions to receive high quality care from Albanian and potentially world-wide specialists. This is a major feat for a country with a poorly developed transportation system and difficult living conditions. Interagency team made up of: J4-Medical Readiness, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Minister of Health of Kukes, University of Arizona, Tucson, director, Kukes Regional Hospital, J4-Humanitarian Assistance. (Photo by Tara Clark)

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