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General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

General Links

Department of Defense
Advisory Services for CPMS (Civilian Personnel Management Service).
Defense Link
General information about the Department of Defense. Organization structure, biographies of major officials, Pentagon information, etc.
Home page of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. Includes information on pay.
CPMS (Civilian Personnel Management Service) is DoD's consolidated provider of civilian personnel administrative programs and advisory services.
DoD TMO Per Diem
DoD Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation. PDTATAC administers DoD per diem rates and other allowances. Site includes information about regulations and procedures.
Civilian pay policy and procedures from the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).
SITES (Standard Installation Topic Exchange Service) provides specific information about military bases. This link can only be accessed by current DoD employees. If you are not currently a DoD employee and need installation information, please contact our Recruitment Unit. Thank you.
Troops to Teachers
Referral assistance and placement services for DoD personnel who are interested in beginning a second career in public education as a teacher or teacher's aide.
WHS Human Resources Directorate
Washington Headquarters Services (WHS) Human Resource Services provides personnel information and services to the Office of the Secretary of Defense and other Defense agencies in the National Capital Region.
Employment Index
Links to many web sites with employment information
FAMNET Crossroads provides information about military installations in the United States and overseas.  Includes many links to other sites of interest to DoD personnel.
Federal Employees News Digest
A private newsletter with career and retirement information.
Federal Government Resources on the Web
Current and historical documents available from the Federal Government. From the University of Michigan Documents Center. 
Don Mace's FedWeek. A private newsletter that provides information for Federal employees: Pay & promotion, retirement, leave, insurance, and many other subject areas.
FedWorld Information Network
Information about the Federal Government. Includes search facilities.
Government Executive Magazine
Home page of Government Executive magazine.
International Personnel Management Association (IPMA) is a professional association for public personnel professionals, primarily those who work in federal, state, or local government.
The National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) is an organization chartered by Congress to provide assistance to federal, state, and local governments.
Other Federal Government
Commonly Requested Federal Services
Commonly requested information about the Federal Government. Part of the White House web page. Includes taxes, employment, and volunteering.
Department of State
Department of State web site includes travel warnings by country, overseas allowance rates, and other information..
Fed America
Allows Federal employees to locate all pay and benefits information in one easy location!
Federal Bulletin Board Online
The Federal Bulletin Board is a service of the US Government Printing Office (GPO). All Federal agencies may use the FBB to distribute documents to the public.
Information on the Merit Systems Protection Board. MSPB is a Government agency that oversees the merit system of employment and hears appeals from employees.
National Archives and Records Administration
Access to the Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Register, public laws, Presidential documents, and other documents from the National Archives and Records Administration
Home page of the Office of Management and Budget, the agency with primary responsibility for the Federal budget.
Web site of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Includes news items, job announcements, documents, and other agency information.
Direct access to OPM job announcements (part of the OPM web site above).
Thrift Savings Plan
Information about the Thrift Savings Plan, part of the Federal employee retirements systems.
Veteran's Preference
Information about Veteran's Preference from the Department of Labor.