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Information Memoranda

June 27, 1997


TO: State and Area Agencies Administering Plans Under Title III and Tribal Organizations Administering Plans under Title VI of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as Amended

SUBJECT: AoA Disaster Video: "America's Aging Network, Coping with Disasters" (Edited Version)

LEGAL AND RELATED REFERENCES: Older Americans Act, As Amended
Information Memorandum AOA-IM-96-06 dated May 26, 1996

Last May, former Assistant Secretary Fernando M. Torres-Gil provided state and area agencies on aging and tribal organizations with a copy of the Administration on Aging (AoA) Disaster Preparedness Video entitled, "America's Aging Network, Coping With Disasters." This video was created as part of AoA's ongoing efforts to assist our network of aging organizations throughout the country to address the various needs of older persons impacted by natural disasters. The videos were distributed to AoA's aging network and others who work on the front lines with older Americans and their families.

We have received much positive feedback about this video and our efforts to assist older persons who often have special needs and concerns in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Since that time, we have edited the videos to make them customer friendly to the Spanish-speaking population as well as making them closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.

Copies of the closed-captioned videos are being made available to each AoA regional office. Any state or area agency on aging or tribal organization wishing to use a closed-captioned video may contact one of AoA's regional offices. A current list of regional offices is attached to facilitate such requests.

Since a limited number of videos in the Spanish language are available, a copy will be forwarded to an agency only upon request. These requests should also be directed to AoA regional offices.

INQUIRIES: Inquiries should be directed to Alicia Valadez Ors, National Disaster Coordinator at (202) 619-2618 or Regional Administrators, Administration on Aging, HHS regional offices.

William F. Benson
Acting Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Aging

Last Modified: 7/16/2009 8:54:00 AM