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Ginnie Mae Platinum Securities

Ginnie Mae Platinum Securities and REMIC Securities are issued under the Ginnie Mae Multiclass Securities Program, which provides an important adjunct to Ginnie Mae's mortgage-backed securities Program. A Ginnie Mae Platinum security is formed by combining Ginnie Mae MBS pools that have uniform coupons and original terms to maturity into a single certificate.

Platinum Volume

The Ginnie Mae Multiclass Securities Program increases liquidity in the secondary mortgage market and attracts new sources of capital for federally insured or guaranteed residential loans. Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, Ginnie Mae guarantees the timely payment of principal and interest on Ginnie Mae Platinum and REMIC Securities.

Ginnie Mae's presence in the market benefits investors by offering them government-guaranteed mortgage products structured to specific investment needs. It has increased efficiency in the market by attracting a broader range of investors, funneling capital into the nation's housing markets – which in turn makes more lower-interest mortgage loans available.

The Ginnie Mae Platinum Securities program allows investors owning a number of MBS, each of which may have a relatively small remaining principal balance, to aggregate the MBS, thereby increasing their liquidity. Ginnie Mae Platinum pools can be used by investors as collateral for repurchase agreements as well as structured financings.


Ginnie Mae Platinums Trade Good Delivery for TBA Transactions

Subject to relevant BMA (Bond Market Association) guidelines, 30-year Ginnie Mae Platinum securities are good delivery against 30-year Ginnie Mae TBA (To Be Announced) transactions, even if the underlying Ginnie Mae MBS have a current remaining term to maturity of less than 28 years. Similarly, 15-year Ginnie Mae Platinum securities are good delivery against 15-year Ginnie Mae TBA transactions. Ginnie Mae Platinum securities trade good delivery against TBA transactions because they are identical to Ginnie Mae MBS for administrative and operational purposes.

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