February 20, 2013 17:40 UTC


US Ambassador Killed in Libya

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Ambassador Christopher Stevens, left, shook hands with Libyan National Transitional Council chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil after a meeting in Tripoli on June 7Ambassador Christopher Stevens, left, shook hands with Libyan National Transitional Council chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil after a meeting in Tripoli on June 7
Ambassador Christopher Stevens, left, shook hands with Libyan National Transitional Council chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil after a meeting in Tripoli on June 7
Ambassador Christopher Stevens, left, shook hands with Libyan National Transitional Council chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil after a meeting in Tripoli on June 7


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I'm Avi Arditti with more news in Special English. We spoke with two VOA reporters about the killing of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans at the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

► From VOA News: Clinton: Libya Attack Should Shock Conscience of All Faiths

Senior correspondent Andre DeNesnera says an anti-Muslim film incited anger, but knowing who was responsible for the attack may be very difficult.

ANDRE DeNESNERA: "One remembers that last year when the rebels were fighting at that time Col. Moammar Gadhafi, the leader of Libya, there were about one hundred separate opposition groups. And so they are in the process now of trying to consolidate the country and put together a government. Other experts believe it may be the work of Ghadaffi loyalists who are now using that [film] as a pretext for attacking the Americans, who are seen, of course, as the driving force behind the elimination, the death, of Col. Gadhafi."

AA: "So much attention recently has been on Syria, with the ongoing conflict there. What is the situation in Libya. I know you just talked about it a little bit, but how close are they to a government?"

ANDRE DeNESNERA: "Still quite unstable. Now that it's out of the headlines, it's difficult to try to get a reading on it. But what they are trying to do is put Libya back on the footing of a, quote unquote, normal country -- in other words, with the help of the United States, with the help of Europe. But this, of course, when you have the death of four Americans including an ambassador, it is quite a shocking event, at a time when one was more or less lulled into the Arab Spring."

AA: "And you've covered the State Department and diplomacy over the years. How significant is this, the death of an ambassador -- when was the last time?"

ANDRE DeNESNERA: "The last time, to knowledge, was in Afghanistan in nineteen seventy-nine, and there were only five ambassadors who were killed in the line of duty. But what is interesting is that the ambassador was ironically, during the Libyan campaign, military campaign, last year, was the representative of the United States to the opposition groups. So he was a well-known quantity, apparently someone who was well respected, a Middle scholar, and to lose someone of that caliber is devastating."

VOA's Cecily Hilleary has been following reaction to Tuesday's attacks in Libya and on the American embassy in Cairo in social media from the Arab world and elsewhere.

CECILY HILLEARY: "There are questions as to why we would allow these kinds of things to be aired. At the same time you have Americans saying this is an overreaction, that Muslims are being baited, and Muslims are rising to the occasion, and that this justifies Islamaphobia."

AA: "That they are being baited into -- incited to violence."

CECILY HILLEARY: "Incited to violence, and then the violence feeds ... "

AA: "More violence."

CECILY HILLEARY: "More Islamaphobia. What I'm seeing in social media is that there is a huge misunderstanding between the two sides. This movie was perceived as something mainstream, Hollywood, possibly even government sanction. You know, that's the Arab perspective."

AA: "Which ... "

CECILY HILLEARY: "Which of course it was not. What we know is very little. It's still early. But these are -- they are handheld cameras. This is an amateur production. The full film, to my knowledge, hasn't even aired, just a trailer appeared on YouTube. There are questions as to whether YouTube, a private company, should be held culpable for allowing it to stay on the site. You know, these are interesting questions. In the Arab world, yeah, YouTube would be sanctioned. In the United States, like it or not ... "

AA: "It's very rare for any action to be taken against freedom of speech."

CECILY HILLEARY: "But it opens up new questions about freedom of speech. We are very reluctant to give that up in the United States. And the reaction -- this is a political year. You're immediately seeing the two camps, Obama and Romney, kind of polarizing on social media."

That was VOA's Cecily Hilleary. I'm Avi Arditti.
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Comment Sorting
by: Dung from: Vietnam
09/21/2012 4:21 AM
It is common today violent spread everywhere over the world. This can be seen that is the dead of ambassador of US in Libya. For me, I want to condemn all violent men. Fight against violence and war is the best way to make the world peaceful, and I will analyze these areas in my writing.
Firstly, violent is a seriously worrying for people in families and all society. For example, many women were hit by their abuse husbands. Whereas, many fights lead to death because of many thugs were happened in the street. Thus, limited violence is of interest. This is therefore, one of the main reasons I condemn violent.
A second reason is the war should be condemned drastic. The case against the death of U.S. Ambassador is an example. In addition to many deaths by bomb, guns, murder, terrorism happened all over the world every day. These are reasons why I want to condemn violent.
In conclusion, needing must condemn are both violent and war. People will alleviate much suffering, and I hope I will not have to witness the tears of the suffering of his family ambassador to the United States.

by: Anonymous
09/18/2012 2:46 PM
we are sorry for amrican imbossdor

by: dodo from: egypt
09/14/2012 9:28 AM
Im really sorry of what was happened to the us ambassador in Libya. Islam of course not support violence,its a kind of individual action indeed, Islam included all kindness & peaceful to all people,mouslem or not & i hope the us leader will take immediate action to everybody who made that film,thank u

In Response

by: UU from: Japan
09/18/2012 2:20 PM
how could such people excist in this world, shooting to people to kill and saying this is for messenger of GOD. These people do not know their GOD or they believe something extremely wrong thing and have no idea about who is GOD and who they are.

by: Yoshi from: Sapporo
09/13/2012 3:46 AM
I mourn over American diplomats death in Libya. It is so regrettable that religions primarily offering believers relief and peace have been inciting tribal and international conflicts. Do religiions forget generousity? Can religions no longer overcome their differences of each faiths? Is there no way to keep religions separate from politics?

In Response

by: ibrahim from: egypt
09/14/2012 9:10 PM
we are very sorry about what happenned to the us embassador in libya , we are really sorry , we really know that USA don`t support those who made this movie . we , muslims , hope consolation to the family , wife and children , of the american embassador .

In Response

by: Yoshi from: Sapporo
09/17/2012 10:28 PM
Hi ibrahim, thank you for your reply. I'm glad to hear you.I believe most of Muslims are gentle and peace-loving people like you. What needed for us is just only a small efforts to listen to others' voce and a small generousity to wish others' happiness each other. Don't you think so?

In Response

by: hassan from: canada
09/16/2012 3:21 AM
all of you say that "sorry, we are really sorry we didn't want that....." but have you thought that why always such a problems happen in muslims country ? Afghan-Iran-libya....

In Response

by: ibrahim from: egypt
09/17/2012 9:00 PM
MR Hassan , i honestly regret to what happen . but you should blame who begin the action , the violence and to make fun of someone generate more violence . but that is not mean that we accept what happen the prophet himself refuse that . read his biography and you will know that . thank you for your reply


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