Statistical Agencies
Click for contact details Economic Research Service

Conducts research, commodity market projections, and outlook analyses, and develops economic and statistical indicators in the following areas: farming and farm households, commodity markets, agricultural trade, food and consumer economics, nutrition and feeding programs, natural resources and the environment, and the domestic rural economy.

Agribusiness/industry concentration
Chemicals and production technology
R&D and productivity
Diet, consumption, and health
Farm financial and risk management
Farm structure, income, and performance
Farm/rural finance and tax
Food and nutrition assistance programs
Food market structures
Food prices, spreads and margins
Food safety
International agriculture
Livestock, dairy, poultry, aquaculture
Macroeconomics in the ag & food conomy
Natural resources, environment, and conservation
Policy topics
Rural America
U.S./State facts

   (ERS) Dept of Agriculture

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