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CPSC Public Calendar

Vol. XXXIX No.51 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission - Bethesda, Maryland 20814 September 26, 2012

Commission Agendas

Listed below is an agenda of a Commission Meeting scheduled for the week of October 1, 2012. For a recorded message concerning the latest agenda information call (301) 504-7948.

Commission Meeting
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Hearing Room 420

Open to the Public

Matters to be Discussed

Decisional Matters:
Bassinets and Cradles – Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Consideration of Opportunities to Reduce Third Party Testing Costs Consistent with Assuring the Compliance of Children’s Products

Briefing Matter:
Infant Swings – Final Rule

A live webcast of the Meeting can be viewed at www.cpsc.gov/webcast

Meetings Between Commission Staff and Outside Parties

All meetings listed below are open to the public unless otherwise stated. For information on a specific meeting or to attend a meeting, please call the contact person listed for that meeting. Individuals requiring reasonable accommodation for a meeting should contact the Office of the Secretary, 301-504-7923 or by email, cpsc-os@cpsc.gov. Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Abbreviations: we use asterisks (*) to identify meetings for the current week which have not appeared before in the printed Public Calendar. If the meeting involves discussion of a "substantial interest matter," defined by CPSC's Meetings Policy, we show the date when we posted notice of the meeting on the Master Calendar. The Master Calendar can be found on CPSC's web site at www.cpsc.gov/calendarmast.html. We indicate whether a meeting is of substantial interest by the symbol (S); we use the symbol (N) to indicate non-substantial interest meetings. The Commission offices are located in the Bethesda Towers Building, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland.

Under the Meetings Policy, a staff person holding or attending a substantial interest meeting must file a log of the meeting with the Office of the Secretary within 20 days.

Week of October 1 thru October 7, 2012

Monday, October 1

*Chairman Inez Tenenbaum; Matt Howsare, Chief of Staff and Chief Counsel; Elliot Kay, Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Counsel; Anu Connor, Senior Counsel; Dottie Lee, Confidential Assistant, will meet with Dave Taylor, newly elected Chairman of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA); Michael Dwyer, JPMA Executive Director; Lauren Pfeiffer, JPMA Assistant Executive Director; Julie Vallese, JPMA Managing Director of Government & Public Affairs; Mark Fellin, JPMA Director of Regulatory & Legislative Affairs, to discuss proposed topics which will include CPSIA Section 104 rulemakings, education campaigns, and product safety certification; 3:00 p.m., Bethesda Towers, room 724. For additional information contact Dottie Lee, (301) 504-7198. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/24/12. Posted on Master Calendar 9/24/12. (N)

Monday, October 1

*Commissioner Robert Adler, Jana Fong-Swamidoss and Jason Levine, Counsel to Commissioner Adler, meeting with Dave Taylor, Chairman, Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association, Inc. (JPMA); Michael Dwyer, Executive Director; Lauren Pfeiffer, Assistant Executive Director; Julie Vallese, Managing Director of Government & Public Affairs; and Mark Fellin, Director, Regulatory & Legislative Affairs, to discuss JPMA’s commitment to children’s and juvenile product safety and certification; 1:30 p.m., Bethesda Towers, room 723. The meeting was requested by Julie Vallese. For additional information contact Ophelia McCardell, (301) 504- 7731. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/21/12. Posted on the Master Calendar 9/24/12. (S)

Wednesday, October 3

*John Boja, Office of Compliance and Field Operations, Joanna Matheson and Adrienne Layton, Directorate for Health Sciences, attending the AAPCC Local Symposium on Detergent Packets; 12:00-1:00 p.m., Las Vegas, NV. For additional information contact John Boja, (301) 504-7300. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/20/12. Posted on the Master Calendar 9/20/12. (N)

Friday, October 5 thru Tuesday, October 9

Jason Goldsmith, Directorate for Health Sciences, attending National Association of Medical Examiners annual meeting at the Inner Harbor, Baltimore, MD. For additional information contact Jason Goldsmith, (301) 504-7262, jgoldsmith@cpsc.gov. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/25/12. Posted on the Master Calendar 9/25/12. (N)


Tuesday, October 9

Marc J. Schoem, Acting Director, Office of Compliance and Field Operations, attending and participating in the AHAM Product Safety and Liability Seminar, Washington, D.C. For additional information contact Marc Schoem, (301) 504- 7520. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/24/12. Posted on Master Calendar 9/25/12. (N)

Tuesday, October 9

Gregory K. Rea, Directorate for Laboratory Sciences, will participate in the ASTM D10.32 Consumer, Pharmaceutical, Medical, and Child Resistant Packaging subcommittee meeting. This meeting was requested by ASTM. Contact D10 Staff Manager Dianne Trinsey (dtrinsey@astm.org, 610-832- 9661) by Monday, October 8, 2012 to obtain information about joining the conference call or attending in person, or for further information regarding the meeting. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 8/29/12. Posted in the Public Calendar 8/29/12. (S)

Thursday, October 11

Richard O’Brien, Director of International Programs, will speak about international regulatory cooperation in product safety work at the Consumer Interest Forum of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to be held at the Newseum Knight Conference Center, 555 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC 20001. The presentation was requested by ANSI. For additional information, contact Karen Hughes of ANSI, (212) 642-4992. Email: khughes@ansi.org Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/20/12. Posted on Master Calendar 9/20/12. (N)

Thursday and Friday, October 11-12

The U .S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is inviting affected stakeholders and other interested persons to attend a free, 2-day public ATV Safety Summit, titled, “Working together to keep families safe on ATVs.” The ATV Safety Summit will be held October 11-12, 2012. For more information, please see http://www.cpsc.gov/meetingsignup.html and click on the link for ATV Safety Summit. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 8/15/12. Posted in Public Calendar 8/15/12. (S)

Monday, October 15 thru Tuesday, October 23

Chairman Inez Tenenbaum, Kenneth Hinson, Executive Director, Scott Wolfson, Office of Communications, Marc Schoem, Office of Compliance and Field Operations, Richard O’Brien and Tom Phillips, Office of International Programs and Intergovernmental Affairs, will participate in the ICPHSO conference to be held in Brussels, Belgium: October 18 – Port of Rotterdam Tour; October 19 – Stakeholders meeting for OECD Global Recalls Portal Launch; October 22 - Meeting with Trading Standards Institute in London, England; October 23 – Meeting with Department for Business Innovation and Skills, and testing lab tour. For additional information contact Dottie Lee, (301) 504-7198. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/20/12. Posted on Master Calendar 9/20/12. (N)

Monday and Tuesday, October 15-16

Neal S. Cohen (Small Business Ombudsman) speaking to attendees at the 2012 ABC Kids Expo at the Louisville, KY Exposition Center.

Monday October 15th 8:15 am – 9 am: Exhibitors: Are you ready for February 2013? CPSC Update on Product Safety Rules and Periodic Testing Requirements. In this session tailored towards manufacturers, importers, private labelers, and others, we will discuss recent and pending changes to regulations for durable infant products and other children’s products. We will also spend a great deal of time discussing the testing and certification requirements of CPSIA and the periodic testing requirements that are set to go into effect in February 8, 2013. See www.cpsc.gov/3PT and www.cpsc.gov/durableinfantproducts for additional resources and links.

Tuesday October 16th 8:15 am – 9 am: Retailers & Buyers: Your Roles in Federal Consumer Product Safety. In this session tailored towards buyers and retailers, you will learn not only about a retailer’s responsibilities under federal law but the tools available to you to protect your customers and yourselves. Additional information is available at www.cpsc.gov/retailer. Information may also be relevant for manufacturers and exhibitors unable to attend the Monday presentation.

Mr. Cohen will be available all day on Monday and Tuesday of the Expo to speak and can be reached via Twitter @CPSCSmallBiz and via email at ncohen@cpsc.gov during the Expo. The presentation was requested by Neal Cohen to provide businesses manufacturing, importing, and selling juvenile products an update of the U.S. regulatory requirements and to prepare those businesses for the periodic testing requirements that become effective on February 8, 2013. For additional information, please contact Neal S. Cohen at ncohen@cpsc.gov. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/10/12. Posted on Master Calendar 9/11/12. (N)

Tuesday, October 23

Tim Smith, Engineering Psychologist, Human Factors, attending a meeting of the ASTM F15.30 Bunk Bed Subcommittee; 1:30 p.m. EST, at ASTM Headquarters, West Conshohocken, PA. The meeting was requested by ASTM International. For additional information contact Tim Smith, (301) 504-7691, tsmith@cpsc.gov. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/6/12. Posted on the Master Calendar 9/6/12. (S)

Wednesday, October 24

Marc J. Schoem, Acting Director, Office of Compliance and Field Operations attending and participating in the New Mexico Environmental Conference to discuss CPSC Compliance Responsibilities and Enforcement of the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Act , Albuquerque, New Mexico. For additional information contact Marc Schoem, (301) 504- 7520. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/24/12. Posted on Master Calendar 9/25/12. (N)


Meeting notices printed in this section did not reach the Office of the Secretary in time to meet the Tuesday noon deadline for the previously printed Public Calendar. Under the CPSC Meetings Policy, however, staff persons, including Commissioners, can meet the seven-day notice requirement by placing notice of the meeting on the Master Calendar at least seven days before the meeting. The Master Calendar can be found on CPSC's web site at www.cpsc.gov/calendarmast.html.

In addition, the policy allows the Office of General Counsel to waive the seven-day notice requirements of meetings of the staff personnel, and individual Commissioners can waive the requirements for themselves and their personal staff.

Monday, September 24

Kristina Hatlelid, Directorate for Health Sciences, participated in a teleconference of the ASTM Toy Safety Committee heavy metals work group; 1:00 p.m. The meeting was requested by the work group chairman. (OGC approved waiver of seven-day notice.) For additional information contact Kristina Hatlelid at 301-504-7254 or khatlelid@cpsc.gov. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/21/12. Posted on Master Calendar 9/21/12. (S)

Wednesday, September 26

Chairman Inez Tenenbaum, Matt Howsare, Chief of Staff and Chief Counsel, Dottie Lee, Confidential Assistant, meeting with Benjamin Miller, SVP, Product Safety President; Ann Weeks, VP, Global Government Affairs; Khoi Do, Global Governmental Affairs Manager; Derek Larson, Global Government Affairs Specialist, Dave Russel, Bryan Cave, LLC (Underwriters Laboratories), to discuss standards development, high-level policy and communication initiatives, and consumer education; 3:00 p.m., Bethesda Towers, room 724. The meeting was requested by Khoi Do. For additional information contact Dottie Lee, (301) 504-7198. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary. Posted in Public Calendar 9/26/12. (N)