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On 3/19/2009 12:36:15 PM Ray Kirkland wrote

Military HIV/AIDS Prevention Conference

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The following blog by Ray Kirkland, director of programs for U.S. Africa Command's Strategies, Plans, and Programs directorate, refers to the Military HIV/AIDS Prevention Conference, March 2-5, 2009 in Gaborone, Botswana. For more information about the conference, see Military HIV/AIDS Prevention Conference Opens in Gaborone.

The conference was co-hosted by the Botswana Defense Force and the DOD HIV/AIDS Prevention Program. It brought together representatives of 26 African defense forces, and had representatives from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), non-governmental organizations, and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), as well as the South African Development Community (SADC). The principal purpose was to share best practices and to identify gaps in programs in order to make them more effective in the future.

This was an extremely well done conference, and the level of participation from African partners was tremendous. It was impressive to see what has actually been achieved to date by these militaries within the last ten years with quite limited resources. The defense force participants were equally impressive and very professional. Having worked in this field in Africa for many years myself, I felt that, in many ways, a number of these militaries were leading the way in their countries in how they were implementing their programs.

Still, there were major gaps identified which need support, both resources and leadership support. For example, less than half have policies related to program implementation and less than half have prevalence data and know exactly how bad their infection rate is. Most need (and I feel can effectively use) additional resources to expand the reach of their programs.

On the positive side, 100 percent now have testing and counseling services, and 90 percent test all potential recruits (only 5 percent will accept those that test positive). For those that deploy peacekeepers, only 16 percent said they would deploy positives outside their own countries. The topic of HIV/AIDS policy and peacekeeping was discussed at length, but no consensus was reached, although it appears that most militaries are moving towards similar policies with respect to how they deal with HIV/AIDS and peace keeping operations.

The South Africa Development Community (SADC) is in the process of developing a policy which lays out minimum standards for member country military HIV/AIDS Programs. Such a policy document could serve as a model for adoption by the other regional bodies, including the African Union.

One of the principal take-aways from the conference was that successful programs were successful not because of the level of material and financial support, but because of the support for the programs from senior leadership. This theme recurred throughout every aspect of the conference. This is an area where U.S. Africa Command can play an important role in its engagement with senior military leadership on the continent.

Another take-away was that the HIV/AIDS programs of the defense forces have an importance that exceeds the bounds of their respective militaries. In many African countries military health facilities are some of the best and in some cases the only facilities available in a geographical area. As a result, they tend to serve the local civilian population as well as the military. The same holds true for HIV/AIDS services. This is the case for 42 of the 44 African countries supported since 1999 by the Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (DHAPP). This is not to say that the militaries are providing services that should be provided by others, just that they are seen as part of the countries' overall health system and are expected to serve civilians in their catchment areas. This past year the Department of Defense HIV/AIDS program has served a half million African troops and family members alone, and supported 185 voluntary counseling and testing centers and 63 laboratories.

Following the HIV/AIDS conference, I also visited the Malawi Defense Force to review their HIV/AIDS program which the U.S. Department of Defense supports. The Malawi Defense Force reports a current HIV/AIDS prevalence of 14 percent and declining due to the success of its HIV/AIDS program. In discussions with the Deputy Commander, Lieutenant General Ntonya, he stressed that the program had top level support from the commander, and senior leadership understood the importance of this high level support.

When asked how he knew that the program was achieving success he stated, "In the past we had to pick up bodies and go to the cemetery almost every day to bury soldiers, their wives or their children. Now we don't go very often. That means the program is working." The U.S. Department of Defense will be providing the Malawi Defense Force with assistance in establishing two new clinic with labs in the far north of the country and in the south. This is expected to strengthen their program considerably.

One other take-away from the Malawi visit was the perception of both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) representative and the USAID director and senior health officer. These individuals felt that because of their structure and greater discipline, the Defense Force could actually model particular HIV/AIDS interventions, especially those related to prevention, and show the kind of impact such interventions could have on a population. This information could then be used to expand these interventions to the larger civilian population. This refers to what I mentioned above about the militaries actually showing leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Ray Kirkland
Director of Programs

On 5/1/2009 10:47:23 AM Javier C. in Stuttgart wrote
Mr. Kirkland,

Simply put, why doesn't AFRICOM stay within it's lanes?
As a military organization within the US Department of Defense, it's bread and butter is, I assume, military related. While I am sure AFRICOM can bring many other capacities to bear in the fight against HIV/AIDS, it is a military organization. It breaks things, defends, it has ships and planes and tanks that shoot bullets, missiles and rounds. They do not and are probably not focused/highly skilled on solving humanitarian issues as opposed to the other wartime skills they have in great supply and to great degrees. Why divert money, people and other resources from fighting the other two wars currently in progress? Why not simply funnel money and people and resources to organizations whose purpose is to build up, such as USAID and other NGOs? We all want to make the world a better place, but if I am a doctor then I will practice medicine, a carpenter then build things and if I am a machine of war, well then...maybe using a hammer to solve all your problems regardless of if they need a hammer isn't the best way to go about it.

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Previous Entries in AFRICOM Dialogue

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African Military Chaplains Conference
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Chairman's Corner: Independence Day 2011
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The Mysterious City of Timbuktu
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Visit to Maputo
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AMLEP Legal Meeting at U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Area
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U.S. Africa Command - 2nd Africa Military Legal Conference, May 2-4
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Military Legal Conference in Mauritius
5/4/2011 · Danielle Skinner

Kigali Genocide Memorial Inspires Visitors in Rwanda
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East African Maritime Security Trip
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'Must See' Sites of Dakar
3/28/2011 · U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant Commander Greg Fondran, U.S. Africa Command Outreach Directorate

Congo River: Boating in 'the Perfect Storm'
3/24/2011 · Staff Sergeant Amanda McCarty

Tanzania Pandemic Disaster Response Exercise
3/21/2011 · Dr. Faraja Lutulu Msemva, Guest Blogger

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Arusha Table Top Exercise
3/17/2011 · Joseph Nyahende, guest blogger

Nigerian Maritime Law Seminar
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Chairman's Corner: National Military Strategy
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Humanitarian Activities Workshop Series (HAWS)
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Multi-Sectoral Pandemic Preparedness Workshop in Kenya
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IG Principles and Practices Seminar in Tanzania
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Building Partnerships in Burundi
12/10/2010 · 1st Lieutenant Scott Williams, 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 137th Infantry

Seminar on Human Rights and International Law
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Partnering with Tanzania: Maritime Law Enforcement and Human Rights
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The Gift of Hope
11/22/2010 · Alejandro Holguin

Partnership, friendships in Uganda
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Veterans Day in Tunisia
11/15/2010 · Gunnery Sergeant Philip A. Palmer

Celebrating Veterans Day in France
11/12/2010 · Lieutenant Colonel Steve Lamb, U.S. AFRICOM Public Affairs

Chairman's Corner: Happy Veterans Day -- November 11, 2010
11/12/2010 · Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Pandemic Response Plan Engagements in Mali
11/10/2010 · Lieutenant Colonel Jim Gotlewski

TSA advice for Holiday Travel
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Maritime Capacity Building in West Africa
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Initial Planning Conference for Africa Endeavor 2011
11/9/2010 · Major Eric Hilliard, U.S. AFRICOM Public Affairs

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
11/8/2010 · Staff Sergeant Amanda McCarty

Last Day in Ghana
11/5/2010 · Senior Chief Musician Max Fryar

Performance at Reverend Teye Memorial School
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AFRICOM Championship Game
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Department of State CIO Visit
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Red Cross Support to AFRICOM
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NMCB 7 finishes renovations to Borror School
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Sharing Love of Music in Ghana
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Cameroon Site Survey
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EOD Team Completes 'Amazing Experience' with KMOD
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IG Principles and Practices Seminar in Lesotho
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First Performance in Ghana
11/2/2010 · Petty Officer 2nd Class Garrett Stephan

NAVEUR-NAVAF Band in Gabon
11/1/2010 · Petty Officer 2nd Class Garrett Stephan

18th annual USO Service Salute
10/29/2010 · IS3 Kevin Mullins

NAVEUR Band in Gabon
10/28/2010 · Senior Chief Max Fryar, NAVEUR Band

Saudi Bound
10/27/2010 · Abel H. Villarreal, Resources Directorate Program Agreements Specialist

IG Principles and Practices Seminar in Swaziland
10/26/2010 · Mr. Anthony B. Dunn, USAFRICOM Office of the Inspector General

U.S. Army Signal Corps' Regimental Chief Warrant Officer Visits Stuttgart
10/25/2010 · Major John Whitfield, U.s. Africa Command, C4 Systems

J3 Director, Designate Visit Awassa CA Team
10/22/2010 · Colonel Peter Davies

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team Builds Relationships in Kenya
10/20/2010 · Lieutenant Junior Grade John Hayes

Pandemic Response Exercise in Kenya
10/20/2010 · Brigadier General Stayce Harris, mobilization reserve assistant to the commander

Department of State PA Conference
10/18/2010 · Colonel Franklin Childress, U.S. Africa Command director of Public Affairs

Government of Senegal Conducts Workshop on Integration of Women in the Military with U.S. Africa Command Support
10/13/2010 · CAPT Kathleen A. Duignan, U.S. Africa Command Office of Legal Counsel and Mr. Dale Carter, U.S. Africa Command Outreach Directorate

Comorian Solutions to Comorian Problems
10/13/2010 · Captain Joseph Blubaugh

Command Sergeant Major Blog: September 2010
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Kigali Site Survey
10/12/2010 · Lieutenant Colonel Mark Sojourner

Chairman's Corner: Community Colleges
10/7/2010 · Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Meaningful Kenyan Visit
10/6/2010 · Captain Bryan Gregory

Legal Courses in Chad and Democratic Republic of Congo
10/5/2010 · Captain Cayah Saahene, Judge Advocate, U.S. Army Africa

Mozambique Maintenance Mission
10/5/2010 · Sergeant Benjamin Cornelius

Exercise Shared Accord 2010
10/4/2010 · Brigadier General Paul W. Brier, commander of U.S. Marine Forces Africa

Planning for Pandemic Influenza Table Top Exercise
9/30/2010 · Lieutenant Colonel Jim Gotlewski, U.S. AFRICOM Pandemic Response Program

Ugandan experience to remember
9/30/2010 · Captain Patrick Morris

IG Swearing In
9/29/2010 · Colonel Stephen Andreasen, U.S. AFRICOM Inspector General

Transition Assistance Program
9/28/2010 · Colonel Franklin Childress, U.S. AFRICOM director of Public Affairs

9/24/2010 · Sergeant First Class Joshua D. Hall

Chairmans Corner: Let the Warrior Games Begin!
9/22/2010 · Admiral Mike Mullen

U.S. Wereth Memorial Ceremony
9/21/2010 · Brigadier General Robert Ferrell, U.S. AFRICOM director of C4 Systems

9/15/2010 · Robin Croft, U.S. AFRICOM Public Affairs

Chairman's Corner: Calling All Stop-lossed Servicemembers
9/15/2010 · Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Kenya IG Seminar
9/13/2010 · Anthony B. Dunn, chief of IG Outreach

US Army Europe's annual Public Affairs Conference
8/30/2010 · Major Steven Lamb, Public Affairs Office

Jambo from Beautiful Kenya!
8/26/2010 · Danielle Skinner, U.S. AFRICOM Public Affairs Office

Command Sergeant Major Blog: July/August 2010
8/24/2010 · Command Sergeant Major Mark Ripka

Reflections of Travel, Partnerships, and an American Hero during Trip to Uganda
8/17/2010 · Brigadier General James Owens, Deputy Commander, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa

Africa Endeavor 2010
8/17/2010 · Brigadier General Robert Ferrell, U.S. Africa Command C4S director

Africa Endeavor 2010
8/13/2010 · Staff Sergeant Christian Valencia, Marine Forces Africa Radio Chief

Uniting through Africa Endeavor
8/13/2010 · Lieutenant Commander James Stockman, U.S. Africa Command Public Affairs

Africa Endeavor
8/13/2010 · Commander Norm Presecan, U.S. Africa Command

Africa Endeavor 2010
8/12/2010 · Lcpl Scott Marchewka, MARFORRES

Africa Endeavor 2010
8/12/2010 · Jess Raasch, North Dakota Army National Guard

Medical Engagements in Africa
8/11/2010 · Commander John Hardaway, force surgeon at Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa

Africa Endeavor
8/11/2010 · Billie Jo Lorius, North Dakota National Guard

Fourth Academic Symposium in Dakar, Senegal
8/5/2010 · Doris Mariani, Senior Strategic Advisor, Strategy, Plans and Programs Directorate

Happy 220th Birthday to the United States Coast Guard!
8/4/2010 · Lieutenant Colonel Richard Weaver, U.S. Africa Command Commandant

U.S. Africa Command Academic Symposium in Dakar
7/26/2010 · Brigadier General Stayce D. Harris, Mobilization Reserve Assistant to the Commander

Pandemic Response Exercise in Benin
7/26/2010 · Brigadier General Stayce D. Harris

Supporting Shared Accord in Mozambique
7/26/2010 · Sergeant Lydia Davey, Marine Forces Africa

UN Peacekeeping and the Law Symposium
7/15/2010 · Colonel Jon L. Lightner, JA, U.S. Army, Legal Counsel

Conference in Bahrain
7/14/2010 · Colonel Franklin Childress

June 2010: Engaging with Partner African Militaries
7/6/2010 · Command Sergeant Major Mark Ripka, U.S. AFRICOM Senior Enlisted Leader

My trip to Lisbon, Portugal
7/1/2010 · General William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command

Tebelopele, Making a Difference on a National Scale
6/17/2010 · Lieutenant Colonel Chris Wyatt, Chief, U.S. Office of Security Cooperation Botswana

IG Inspections Seminar in Addis Ababa
6/17/2010 · Anthony B. Dunn, IG Office

Memorial Day in Tunisia
6/10/2010 · General William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command

Providing Medical and Veterinary Care in Senegal
6/4/2010 · U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant Christiana Porter, FLINTLOCK 10 Public Affairs

My Gift Back to Zambia
6/2/2010 · Staff Sergeant Amanda McCarty

The Belleau Wood Experience
6/2/2010 · Nancy Hudson

Snapshot: Bamako, Mali
5/27/2010 · Kimberly Tiscione, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment/Flintlock Public Affairs

Ouagadougou by Bus
5/26/2010 · Eric Elliott, U.S. Africa Command Public Affairs

The Haiti Disaster -- My Reflections
5/26/2010 · Guest Blogger Lieutenant Commander Samuel Ayelazono, Ghanaian Navy

Malawi Senior Leader Engagement
5/24/2010 · Command Sergeant Major Mark Ripka, senior enlisted leader

Miracle in Segou
5/19/2010 · Master Sergeant Donald Sparks, Flintlock 10 Public Affairs

African Village Reception
5/19/2010 · Master Sergeant Donald Sparks, Flintlock 10 Public Affairs

Pack like it's Arizona
5/19/2010 · Major Steven Lamb, U.S. AFRICOM Public Affairs

Virginia State University Graduation
5/17/2010 · Patrick Barnes

A Day with a King and Crocodiles
5/17/2010 · Staff Sergeant Amanda McCarty

Botswana and Namibia
5/14/2010 · General William E. Ward

Finding Common Ground in Africa
5/12/2010 · Staff Sergeant Amanda McCarty

Stranded in Africa Part 3: Rwanda Trials and Looking Back
4/23/2010 · Danielle Skinner and Hadley White

Stranded in Africa Part 2 - The Road to Kilimanjaro
4/22/2010 · Danielle Skinner and Hadley White

Stranded in Africa - Opportunity to Explore and Meet People
4/21/2010 · Danielle Skinner and Hadley White

African Union Experts' Workshop on Maritime Security
4/13/2010 · Phillip J. Heyl, Chief of Air and Maritime Security in Strategy, Plans and Programs, U.S. Africa Command

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Meets Botswana Officials and the Botswana Defence Force
4/9/2010 · Lieutenant Colonel Chris Wyatt, Office of Security Cooperation Botswana

U.S. Africa Command Inspector General Conference
4/1/2010 · Christine M. Byrne, chief of IG Outreach

Maritime Security and Economic Development
3/29/2010 · Phillip J. Heyl

2010 Posture Hearings
3/19/2010 · General William E. Ward, Commander of U.S. Africa Command

Proud to be an American Soldier
3/17/2010 · Colonel Franklin Childress, U.S. Africa Command Public Affairs Director

Improving NCO Leadership Capability and Capacity
3/8/2010 · Command Sergeant Major Mark Ripka

Pandemic Influenza Workshop
3/8/2010 · Colonel James Welton, U.S. Africa Command

Investment of Engagements, Hard Work Pays Off at Moroccan Air Show
2/10/2010 · Major Paula Kurtz, 17th Air Force

Around the Horn
1/27/2010 · General William "Kip" Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command

Commander's Intent
1/20/2010 · General William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command

2009 Combined Federal Campaign
1/6/2010 · Lieutenant Colonel Victoria Swank, 2009 AFRICOM CFC-Overseas Program Manager

U.S. Africa Command Represented at New Laboratory Openings in Cameroon
11/25/2009 · Colonel Victor Folarin, Chief, International Health Programs

WARD SENDS: Veterans Day 2009
11/10/2009 · General William "Kip" Ward

African Endeavor
11/3/2009 · Staff Sergeant Christina Zamora, 17th Air Force Communications

Exercise Natural Fire 10 in Uganda
10/28/2009 · General William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command

Africa Endeavor Medical Support
10/15/2009 · Captain Amanda C. Krbec, U.S. Afica Command, OPLOG - Medical Division

Developing legal structures for maritime security
10/13/2009 · Commander Benjamin Benson, U.S. Coast Guard

Executive-Level Seminar on Legal Aspects of Combating Corruption
10/13/2009 · Lieutenant Colonel Sam Mubangu, Office of Legal Counsel

Meeting with Pioneering Botswana Leaders Produces Goose Bumps
10/8/2009 · Senior Master Sergeant Jim Downey, 17th Air Force

Executive-Level Seminar on Border Security Issues
10/7/2009 · Lieutenant Colonel Sam Mubangu

From Gen William "Kip" Ward
10/6/2009 · General William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command

Expanded IMET - Combating Radicalization and Extremism
10/1/2009 · Commander Douglas Velvel

What I Learned about Cameroon
9/23/2009 · Vince Crawley, U.S. Africa Command Public Affairs

U.S. Africa Command Health Engagement Visit to Sao Tome and Principe and Gabon
9/21/2009 · Colonel Victor Folarin, MS, MD, MPH, Deputy Command Surgeon

Quality of Life Visit to Djibouti
9/18/2009 · Valerie M. Lubin, Chief, Quality of Life Program Manager

Port Industries: Key Partners for Maritime Security in Africa
9/14/2009 · Benjamin Benson, commander, U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Africa Command's Open House
9/14/2009 · Erika, Frieder and Michael Alber

Hope for Africa on 20th Anniversary of Germany's Reunification
9/3/2009 · Colonel Franklin Childress, Director of Public Affairs

Trip to Mauritius, Seychelles, Ethiopia and Kenya
9/2/2009 · General William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command

Human Rights Seminar in Mozambique
9/1/2009 · Lieutenant Colonel Paul Starita, Office of Legal Counsel

Partnering with the Uganda People's Defence Force
9/1/2009 · Major Paula Kurtz, 17th Air Force

Inspector General Outreach in Cameroon
8/31/2009 · Christine Byrne, Office of Inspector General

Senior Leader Engagement in Kenya
8/26/2009 · Master Sergeant Jim Fisher, 17th Air Force

Establishing a NCO Academy in Sudan
8/21/2009 · Master Sergeant William Bertelson

Seminar on Transnational Organized Crime and Narcotics Trafficking
8/14/2009 · Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Hitesman, Office of the Legal Counsel

Visit to Rwanda
8/12/2009 · Deborah Ripka

Visit to Rwanda
7/24/2009 · Command Sergeant Major Mark Ripka

Social Media at U.S. Africa Command
7/16/2009 · General William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command

UN Peace Operations and the Law Symposium
7/14/2009 · Commander Kathleen A. Duignan, Office of Legal Counsel

Quality of Life Site Visit to Djibouti
6/26/2009 · Valerie Lubin, chief, Quality of Life

Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
6/26/2009 · Commander Kathleen Duignan, Office of Legal Counsel

Senior Leader Engagements in Kenya
6/25/2009 · Command Sergeant Major Mark S. Ripka

Ward Honored with Lifetime Leadership Award at 100 Black Men of America 2009 Conference
6/17/2009 · Patrick Barnes, U.S. AFRICOM Washington Liaison Office

Inspector General Outreach in Freetown, Sierra Leone
5/27/2009 · Christine Byrne, Chief of IG Outreach

Communication Network Projects in Nigeria
5/26/2009 · Kent Waller, Coalition Services Branch Chief, C4 Systems

Partnering in Maritime Security
5/20/2009 · Commander Benjamin Benson, U.S. Coast Guard

Trip to Tanzania, Swaziland and Mozambique
5/18/2009 · General William Ward

U.S. Africa Command Represented at Military Law Conference in Tunisia
5/15/2009 · Colonel Jon Lightner and Commander Kathleen A. Duignan

Human Rights Executive Seminar in The Gambia
5/15/2009 · Lieutenant Colonel Sam Mubangu, Office of Legal Counsel

Partnering with Cape Verde: Maritime Law Enforcement and Human Rights
4/24/2009 · Commander Kathleen Duignan, U.S. Africa Command Office of Legal Counsel

International Defense Acquisition Resource Management Conference
4/22/2009 · Colonel Ron Baldinger, U.S. Africa Command Inspector General

Partnering with Cameroon Military
4/16/2009 · Paul Saxton

Final Reflections
2/9/2009 · Natalie Lampert

Our Mission is to Add Value
2/3/2009 · Dr. (Col) Schuyler Geller

Notes on my Visit to Madagascar and Comoros
1/27/2009 · General William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command

1/16/2009 · Major General Paul Capasso

U.S. Africa Command: Responding to Criticism
1/16/2009 · Natalie Lampert, Elon University

A Teacher's Experience in Namibia
1/15/2009 · Deborah Ripka

U.S. AFRICOM: A Student's Perspective
1/14/2009 · Natalie Lampert, Elon University

Health: A Bridge to Peace and Stability
1/7/2009 · Dr. (Col) Schuyler Geller

Stability and Development Linked in Africa
11/10/2008 · Ambassador Mary C. Yates

Conventional Wisdom Challenged - Part 1
10/15/2008 · Public Affairs

African Media Covers Armed Forces of Liberia Activation Ceremony
9/5/2008 · U.S. Africa Command Public Affairs

AFRICAN ENDEAVOR 08 A Complete Success
7/30/2008 · Major General Paul F. Capasso

6/12/2008 · Joseph Severino, U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer

AFRICOM at Africa Clearinghouse in Tokyo
5/12/2008 · Major Brittany Stewart

Why is the U.S. Coast Guard in Africa?
4/21/2008 · Captain Phil Heyl

AFRICAN ENDEAVOR 08 - Providing Common IT Solutions
4/7/2008 · Brig Gen Paul F. Capasso

4/5/2008 · Chaplain Onyema Okorie, U.S. Air Force

Religious Dialog
3/14/2008 · Chaplain David Colwell, U.S. Africa Command chaplain

Transparency in Mali
3/6/2008 · Major Rick Wrona

Faith, Hope Share Common Ground
2/4/2008 · Chaplain David Colwell

ACSS Provides Support to African Military Leaders
1/25/2008 · Vince Crawley, U.S. AFRICOM Public Affairs

A Partnership for Stability and Prosperity
1/17/2008 · Col Vic Folarin

Updated Congressional report on AFRICOM
1/3/2008 · Public Affairs Office

From Gen William "Kip" Ward
12/21/2007 · Gen William "Kip" Ward

U.S. Department of Defense Special Report:\n\nU.S. Africa Command


AFRICOM Dialogue

Recent Posts by AFRICOM Staff

From LTC Richard Murphy, AFRICOM Humanitarian and Health Activities Branch
on 9/14/2012 9:27:24 AM
"The U.S. Africa Command Disaster Preparedness Program conducted a key leader engagement in Kenya on September 10-11, 2012 with the Commander of the Kenyan Rapid Deployment Capability..."
(Read Full Entry)

From LTC David Knellinger
on 9/10/2012 2:02:03 PM
"The Central Africa Region Environmental Security Symposium, hosted by the United States Africa Command Environmental Security Program and the United Nations Environmental Programme..."
(Read Full Entry)

From Brigadier General Stayce Harris
on 7/19/2012 8:54:32 AM
"The following blog is by Brigadier General Stayce Harris, U.S. Africa Command's mobilization reserve assistant to the commander. Over the past 2 years, I have had the..."
(Read Full Entry)

Paul in UK wrote
on 8/22/2012 9:16:10 AM
"I was also involved in the communications training at Kisangani and share Michel Beya's comments I'm sure we met. What I saw was a very well trained battalion and hope that..."
(Read Full Entry)

Mark in Fort Leavenworth wrote
on 8/21/2012 10:25:29 PM
"False allegations against Commander USAFRICOM appear to be in fashion. It is shameful that someone felt the need to assassinate the character of the previous commander — one ..."
(Read Full Entry)

Anonymous in Unspecified wrote
on 8/21/2012 10:06:10 PM
"Glad to see this, and would love to see more. It's about time we start calling out publications that feel free to write whatever they want based on rumors and myths and not fac..."
(Read Full Entry)

Anonymous in Unspecified wrote
on 8/21/2012 10:03:43 PM
"Congratulations for calling Ethiopian Review on the carpet. The contributor who stated that the clarification was not warranted is clearly very near sighted. It is exactly those so..."
(Read Full Entry)

Anonymous in Unspecified wrote
on 8/21/2012 3:48:08 AM
"The right and accurate response,I am glad you did not give any loopholes to this lameduck, extereme and toxic elements who do not represent the sielent diaspora majority,create and..."
(Read Full Entry)