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Updated November 29, 2005

WWW Deep Wrecks


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  Robert E. Lee
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    New! Bow Mosaic!

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Team Members
  R. Church (Project PI)
  D. Warren (Co-PI)
  D. Aig 
  A. Baldwin
  D. Ball
  A. Corbin
  R. Cullimore 
  L. Dreamer
  A. Hall
  K. Haywood
  P. Hitchcock
  C. Horrell
  J. Irion
  L. Johnston
  K. Kaczmarek
  M. Kilgour
  H. Leedy
  J. Moore
  N. Morris
  G. Myers
  M. Overfield
  W. Patterson
  W. Schroeder
  T. Shirley
  S. Smith
  R. Tunkel

  I. Zelo

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Download Deep Wrecks FInal Report (31.4 Megabyte PDF File)

New! MP4 Video Podcasts


The Virginia
and the Halo

The U-166 and
the Robert E. Lee

The Gulfpenn and
the Alcoa Puritan

New! Deep Wrecks Media Project Wins Award!

U-166 Bow Mosaic!

Deep Wrecks Team Completes Mission

Rob Church Will Schroeder Jack Irion Lansing Dreamer Nicole Morris Jimmy Moore Ian Zelo Matthew Singley Joey Lekovich Bryan Whipple Captain Joe Brown Sturdy McElroy Jeff Fatchett Wes Fenner Morgan Kilgour Aaron Baldwin Dennis Aig Terry McGee John Petterson Will Patterson Herb Leedy Peter Hitchcock Keene Haywood Mike Overfield Garry Myers Mike Stephens Phillip Spearman Chris Talassek Lucas Cribley Ryan Larson Korey Kaczmarek
The Deep Wrecks Project Team
Move your cursor over each person's face to see his or her name.

The Deep Wrecks Project Team returned to port on Saturday evening, August 14, after sixteen days at sea. Six of the seven planned wreck sites were visited, one site being dropped from the list due to adverse weather conditions in the Gulf of Mexico.

Welcome to the Deep Wrecks Project website. This unique program of research combines archaeology, history, biology, metalurgy and oceanography to study how structures or objects function as artificial reefs in deep water. Although there is not yet a complete understanding of how artificial reefs function on the continental shelf, particularly in the photic zone above 100 m, it is generally accepted that artificial reefs can serve a positive function by the creation of new hard-bottom habitat in areas where hard-bottom is naturally lacking.

The ideal laboratory for this study exists in the Gulf of Mexico where 56 ships were sunk by German submarines during World War II, most within a few months of each other in 1942.  Seven of these vessels one of which was lost to accident rather than enemy action were located during oil and gas surveys and selected for this study because they represent a range of depths (from 280 feet to 6,500 feet) and carried a variety of cargoes.  Because of the range of water depths, which represent different ecological niches, and the fact that most of the vessels were sunk within a few months of one another, they represent a unique opportunity to study the "artificial reef effect" in differing depths over the course of 60 years.  In addition to the biological characterizations that will be conducted at each site, the vessels will be documented and studied as historic sites for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.

Target ships for the Deep Wrecks Project. Image courtesy Minerals Management Service.


Deep Wrecks Project Partners:

University of Alabama

C&C Technologies

Droycon Bioconcepts

MMS Rigs to Reefs Program

Montana State University

NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration

National Oceanographic Partnership Program

The PAST Foundation

University of Alaska at Fairbanks


University of West Florida


This website and all original content are Copyright � 2004 The PAST Foundation, all rights reserved.
For further information on this website, contact Andy Hall.

The PAST Foundation
1929 Kenny Road
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Phone: (614) 340-1208

Fax: (614) 292-7775