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Partners and Stakeholders, Information and Frequently Asked Questions


Are you already part of the Registered Apprenticeship system? Partners and practitioners include the following people and institutions:

If you fall into one of these categories, feel free to use any of our recommended tools or contacts to get the most you can out of the Registered Apprenticeship system.

Current Sponsors and Employers

Want to make the most of your Registered Apprenticeship program? You might want to keep abreast of all the goings on in both the U.S. apprenticeship system and the international apprenticeship system by checking out our Community of Practice, where partners share tons of blogs, articles, videos, and other helpful tidbits.

Pre-Apprenticeship Programs

Do you represent a Pre-Apprenticeship program? If so, stand up and be counted! If you haven't done so already, please register at our Pre-Apprenticeship database site so that you can be better represented in our system and potentially be available for beneficial linkages with other partners.

Registered Apprenticeship Representatives

Are you an Apprenticeship Training Representative, member of our Office of Apprenticeship team, or a member of a State Apprenticeship Agency? Here are some helpful links to keep you connected:

  • Community of Practice: A frequently-updated series of blogs, news items, videos, and other tidbits run by the Office of Apprenticeship and host to thousands of registered partners from all over the world.
  • Directory of Registered Apprenticeship programs: A handy searchable index of active programs and occupations currently registered in the Federal system and in select State Apprenticeship Agency systems.
  • Pathways to Success Tool: A Google Maps visualization of active apprenticeship programs, pre-apprenticeship programs, and college partners throughout the U.S.

Community Partners

Do you provide services to the poor or needy in your community that might help existing apprentices or pre-apprentices better complete their programs? These apprentices often need services that help with transportation, child care, housing, and many other areas. If so, please visit our Pathways to Success website and look for Registered Apprenticeship programs or Pre-Apprenticeship programs in your area.

College Partners

Does your two or for year school have any linkages with Registered Apprenticeship sponsors, employers, or training centers? If so, you should join our Community College Consortium, which works with third parties to promote the interconnectivity between earning an education and making a good living through apprenticeships.

Please visit our Community College Consortium and register there.