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Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Transcripts
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News Transcripts document all DOD news briefings and significant interviews. News transcripts issued within the past 30 days are listed below. Older transcripts are available on the transcript archive page. Transcripts are also available by e-mail subscription. Go to DOD News for more information and for links to other news items.
09/30/2002:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
09/30/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with NBC Affiliate - WXIA Channel 11, Atlanta, Ga.
09/30/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Fox Affiliate - WAGA Channel 5, Atlanta, Ga.
09/30/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with ABC Affiliate - WSB Channel 2, Atlanta, Ga.
09/26/2002:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Pace
09/25/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld's Press Conference In Warsaw
09/24/2002:   Secretary Wolfowitz Interview With NATO Journalists
09/24/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld's News Conference In Poland
09/24/2002:   Joint News Conference On The Establishment Of Military Sentinel
09/24/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Tomasz Lis, TVN/TVN 24
09/23/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld And Polish Minister Siwiec Press Conference
09/23/2002:   Backgrounder On Senior Defense Official Trip
09/23/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability En Route to Poland
09/22/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with The Sunday Times London
09/21/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld's CNN Television Interview
09/20/2002:   Backgrounder On Secretary Rumsfeld's Meeting With NATO Ministerials
09/19/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Jim Lehrer, News Hour, PBS WETA
09/19/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout with Russian MoD Sergey Borisovich Ivanov
09/18/2002:   Media Stakeout Following Secretary Rumsfeld's HASC Testimony
09/18/2002:   Dr. Cambone Briefing On The Office Of Programs Analysis And Evaluation
09/17/2002:   Gen. Kernan And Maj. Gen. Cash Discuss Millennium Challenge's Lessons Learned
09/16/2002:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Pace
09/16/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld's Media Roundtable With The BBC And Voice Of America
09/13/2002:   Background Briefing on Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction
09/13/2002:   Briefing On U.S. Army Technical Escort Unit
09/13/2002:   DASD PA Whitman Interview with KIRO Radio
09/12/2002:   DASD PA Whitman Interview with WTOP Radio
09/12/2002:   ASD PA Clarke Interview with Chris Core, WMAL
09/12/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with UPI
09/12/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Brett Baier, Fox News
09/12/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with John McWethy, ABC
09/11/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Associated Press
09/11/2002:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Associated Press
09/10/2002:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Brown Journal of World Affairs
09/10/2002:   ASD PA Clarke Interview with Sam Donaldson
09/09/2002:   DASD PA Whitman Telephonic Interview with the David Lawrence Show
09/09/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Good Morning America
09/09/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout at CBS
09/08/2002:   Secretary Rumsfeld's Interview On Face The Nation
09/06/2002:   DoD News Briefing - ASD(PA) Clarke And Gen. Rosa
09/05/2002:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with the Hurriyet (Turkey)
09/04/2002:   Special Briefing On The Opening Of The Transformational Communications Office
09/03/2002:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers