Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

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    What's New                 
The FDIC Institution Directory (ID) provides the latest comprehensive financial and demographic data for every FDIC-insured institution, including the most recent quarterly financial statements, with performance and condition ratios.
   Data Availability
  Currently as of: Next Update
As of: Scheduled:
  Help Definition for Financial      Financial   6/30/2012   9/30/2012   December 2012 
  Help Definition for Demographic     Demographic   10/25/2012  Updated weekly
Press Information to find more information about data availability and updates
   Key Statistics
FDIC-Insured Institutions
 Number as of 10/25/2012  7,184 
 Assets as of 6/30/2012  $14,117,646 
 Deposits as of 6/30/2012  $10,357,127 
Data for records processed through:  10/24/2012
Dollars in millions; adjusted for mergers

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  • If you are a first time user of ID or would like to find out how to use some of the features of ID, please follow the ID: Tutorial link
Find Bank Holding Companies
  • Identify the Regulatory Top Holder of FDIC-insured Subsidiaries
  • Identify all insured institutions owned by a bank holding company
  • Look up summary financial information of the insured institutions owned by a bank holding company
Find Institutions
  • Look up demographic and financial information on any bank or thrift insured by the FDIC
  • List FDIC insured banks and thrifts by location, size or other characteristics
  • Trace inactive (closed) banks to their successor institutions
  • Download Institution Lists and Summary Financial Reports displayed on a screen
Find Offices
  • Look up the locations of all offices (branches) of banks or thrifts insured by the FDIC Download lists of offices.
Advanced Features
  • Compare any combination of individual insured institutions, peer groups, and bank holding companies
  • Create, save, and retrieve custom peer groups of insured institutions and bank holding companies
  • Download large amounts (up to 2.5 megabytes) of information on insured institutions.
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