News Release Information

Friday, September 30, 2011


Further information:

Workplace Fatalities in Texas – 2010

Fatal work injuries totaled 456 in 2010 for Texas, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Regional Commissioner Stanley W. Suchman noted that while the 2010 count was preliminary, the number of work-related fatalities in Texas fell by 26 from one year earlier. Fatal occupational injuries in the state have ranged from a high of 572 in 2000 to a low of 417 in 2002; the 2010 count was the third-lowest on record for the state. (See table 1 and chart 1.)

Nationwide, a preliminary total of 4,547 fatal work injuries were recorded in 2010, about the same as the final count of 4,551 recorded in 2009, according to results from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) program. Final 2010 CFOI data will be released in Spring 2012.

Chart 1. Total work-related fatalities and selected events, Texas, 1992-2010

Highway incidents were the most frequent type of workplace fatality in Texas in 2010, accounting for 134 deaths. (See table 1.) The number of work-related highway deaths in 2010 was notably higher than a year earlier (106), but was comparable to levels recorded from 2005 to 2008. On-the-job fatalities due to homicides declined to 48 in 2010, down from 69 in 2009. Fatal injuries resulting from falls to a lower level decreased from 75 to 45 over the year. Worker fatalities resulting from being struck by an object or equipment were about the same at 35 in 2010 compared with 36 in 2009.

In the United States, highway incidents were also the most frequent fatal workplace event, accounting for 21 percent of fatal work injuries. In Texas, highway incidents accounted for a larger share of work- related fatalities, 29 percent. (See table 2.) Nationwide, falls to a lower level and homicides were the next most frequent types of fatal events, each with 11 percent of total work-related fatalities; in Texas, falls to a lower level and homicides had similar percentage shares. On-the-job fatalities caused by being struck by an object or equipment accounted for 9 percent of work-related deaths nationally compared to 8 percent in Texas.

Additional key characteristics:

  • Men accounted for 426, or 93 percent, of the work-related fatalities in the state. (See table 3.) Transportation incidents, which include highway, nonhighway, pedestrian, air, water, and rail, made up 42 percent of these fatalities.
  • In Texas, 56 percent of those who died from a workplace injury were white non-Hispanics. Nationwide, this group accounted for 72 percent of work-related deaths.
  • Workers 25-54 years old—the prime working age group—accounted for 297, or 65 percent, of the State’s work-related fatalities in 2010. Nationally, workers in this group accounted for 60 percent of on-the-job fatalities.
  • Of the 456 occupational fatalities in Texas, 86 percent worked for wages and salaries; the remaining fatalities were among the self-employed. The leading cause of death for wage and salary workers was transportation incidents which accounted for 45 percent of fatal injuries in the State, higher than the U.S share of 41 percent. Transportation incidents, along with assaults and violent acts, were the leading factors in work-related deaths among self-employed workers in Texas, each accounting for 29 percent of on-the-job fatalities.
  • The transportation and warehousing sector had the largest number of fatalities, 93, followed by construction with 89. Transportation incidents were responsible for the largest number of work-related deaths in both sectors, accounting for 74 fatal injuries in transportation and warehousing and 33 in construction.
  • Transportation and material moving occupations had the highest number of workplace fatalities in the state with 140, of which heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers accounted for 84. Workers in construction and extraction jobs had the second-highest fatality count at 98, followed by those employed in installation, maintenance, and repair occupations at 44.

Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data are available on the BLS Internet site at and detailed data may be accessed from Further information on the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries program, as well as other Bureau programs, is available on the Southwest Information Office web site at or by contacting us at 972-850-4800 from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. CT.

Technical Note

Background of the program.  The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, part of the BLS occupational safety and health statistics program, compiles a count of all fatal work injuries occurring in the U.S. during the calendar year. The program uses diverse State, federal, and independent data sources to identify, verify, and describe fatal work injuries. This assures counts are as complete and accurate as possible.

For technical information about the CFOI program, please go to the BLS Handbook of Methods on the BLS web site at The technical information and definitions for the CFOI Program are in Chapter 9, Part III of the BLS Handbook of Methods.

Federal/State agency coverage.  The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries includes data for all fatal work injuries, whether the decedent was working in a job covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or other federal or State agencies or was outside the scope of regulatory coverage. Thus, any comparison between the BLS fatality census counts and those released by other agencies should take into account the different coverage requirements and definitions being used by each agency.

Several federal and State agencies have jurisdiction over workplace safety and health. OSHA and affiliated agencies in States with approved safety programs cover the largest portion of the nation's workers. However, injuries and illnesses occurring in certain industries or activities, such as coal, metal, and nonmetal mining and highway, water, rail, and air transportation, are excluded from OSHA coverage because they are covered by other federal agencies, such as the Mine Safety and Health Administration and various agencies within the Department of Transportation.

Acknowledgments.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics thanks the Texas Department of Insurance for their efforts in collecting accurate, comprehensive, and useful data on fatal work injuries. BLS also appreciates the efforts of all federal, State, local, and private sector entities that submitted source documents used to identify fatal work injuries. Among these agencies are the Occupational Safety and Health Administration; the National Transportation Safety Board; the U.S. Coast Guard; the Mine Safety and Health Administration; the Employment Standards Administration (Federal Employees' Compensation and Longshore and Harbor Workers' divisions); the Federal Railroad Administration; the Department of Energy; State vital statistics registrars, coroners, and medical examiners; State departments of health, labor and industries, and workers' compensation agencies; State and local police departments; and State farm bureaus.

Table 1. Fatal occupational injuries in Texas by selected event groups, 1992-2010
Year Total fatalities Highway incidents Homicides Falls to lower level Struck by object or equipment
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent


536 104 19 105 20 40 7 35 7


529 81 15 113 21 48 9 51 10


497 113 23 90 18 48 10 38 8


475 111 23 74 16 52 11 39 8


514 125 24 84 16 45 9 41 8


459 116 25 47 10 36 8 36 8


523 122 23 60 11 57 11 41 8


468 130 28 59 13 51 11 35 7


572 135 24 82 14 73 13 53 9


536 141 26 69 13 65 12 53 10


417 107 26 54 13 64 15 38 9


491 118 24 69 14 47 10 44 9


440 121 28 37 8 58 13 49 11


495 132 27 46 9 50 10 52 11


489 129 26 45 9 54 11 52 11


528 133 25 70 13 72 14 47 9


463 142 31 55 12 53 11 42 9


482 106 22 69 14 75 16 36 7


456 134 29 48 11 45 10 35 8

(1) Since the initial release of 2009 data, 2 additional job-related fatalities were identified in Texas bringing the 2009 total job-related fatality count to 482.
(2) Totals for 2010 are preliminary.


Table 2. Fatal occupational injuries by event or exposure, Texas, 2009-2010
Event or exposure(1) 2009 2010
Number Number Percent


482 456 100

Transportation incidents

164 196 43


106 134 29

Collision between vehicles, mobile equipment

53 71 16

Moving in same direction

7 15 3

Moving in opposite directions, oncoming

27 25 5

Moving in intersection

6 18 4

Vehicle struck object on side of road

20 32 7


30 27 6

Jack-knifed or overturned-no collision

25 24 5


8 5 1

Nonhighway (farm, industrial premises)

22 14 3

Worker struck by a vehicle

21 25 5

Water vehicle accident

7 3 1

Aircraft accident

6 17 4

Assaults and violent acts

94 74 16


69 48 11


57 38 8


4 -- --

Self-inflicted injuries

23 23 5

Contact with objects and equipment

65 64 14

Struck by object or equipment

36 35 8

Struck by falling object or equipment

25 24 5

Struck by flying object or equipment

4 4 1

Caught in or compressed by equipment or objects

18 20 4

Caught in running equipment or machinery

11 6 1

Caught in or crushed in collapsing materials

11 6 1


82 50 11

Fall to lower level

75 45 10

Fall from ladder

24 11 2

Fall from roof

21 15 3

Fall from scaffold, staging

9 3 1

Fall on same level

7 5 1

Exposure to harmful substances or environments

61 53 12

Contact with electric current

26 27 6

Contact with overhead power lines

5 9 2

Contact with temperature extremes

10 8 2

Exposure to caustic, noxious, or allergenic substances

12 12 3

Inhalation of substance

6 7 2

Oxygen deficiency

12 6 1

Drowning, submersion

11 5 1

Fires and explosions

15 18 4

(1) Based on the 2007 BLS Occupational Injury and Illness Classification Manual. Includes other events and exposures, such as bodily reaction, in addition to those shown separately.

NOTE: Totals for major categories may include subcategories not shown separately. Dashes indicate no data reported or data that do meet publication criteria. Data for 2010 are preliminary.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, in cooperation with state and federal agencies, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.


Table 3. Fatal occupational injuries by worker characteristics, Texas, 2009-2010
Worker characteristics 2009 2010
Number Number Percent


482 456 100
Employee Status

Wage and salary workers(1)

370 394 86


112 62 14


457 426 93


25 30 7

20 to 24 years

39 25 5

25 to 34 years

89 100 22

35 to 44 years

108 85 19

45 to 54 years

118 112 25

55 to 64 years

83 82 18

65 years and over

37 44 10
Race or Ethnic Origin(4)

White, non-Hispanic

239 255 56

Black, non-Hispanic

43 26 6

Hispanic or Latino

185 162 36


14 13 3

(1) May include volunteers and workers receiving other types of compensation.
(2) Includes self-employed workers, owners of unincorporated businesses and farms, paid and unpaid family workers, and may include some owners of incorporated businesses or members of partnerships.
(3) Because there may have been no incidents reported for some ages or because the data do not meet publication criteria, information is not available for all age groups. In addition, some fatalities may have had insufficient information with which to determine the age of the decedents.
(4) Persons identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race. The race categories shown exclude Hispanic and Latino workers.

NOTE: Totals for major categories may include subcategories not shown separately. Data for 2010 are preliminary.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, in cooperation with state and federal agencies, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.


Last Modified Date: October 3, 2011