Rep. Reichert Statement on the Anniversary of the attacks of September 11th, 2001

Sep 11, 2012 Issues: Defense and National Security

Congressman Dave Reichert released the following statement on the anniversary of the attacks of September 11th, 2001:

“Eleven years ago, America and the world were forever altered by the horrific attacks of September 11th. While scores were injured and 3000 people lost, America’s spirit was unshaken.

“As we mark this solemn occasion, we do not need urging to remember the horror of that day: We will not and cannot ever forget it. What we must remember is that on that day, just as in the days before and after, countless men and women were ready and willing to stand up for us, fight for us and protect us.

“So as we mourn those who we have lost, let us also pay tribute to that great American spirit and all the men and women who have sacrificed for it, fought for it and continue shape it.  Let us, as one, remember not the worst of times, but the best and remind ourselves how blessed and grateful we are to live in the best nation on earth.”
