Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program


Project Number 395
Date of Summary  February 27, 2004
Subject Extending Temporary Storage Capacity Offshore with Emulsion Breakers
Performing Activity S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd.
Principal Investigator Mr. Ian Buist
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Completion Completed
Description The purpose of the study was assess the effectiveness of chemical emulsion breakers combined with rapid decanting and treatment of recovered oil when responding to an offshore oil spill. This effort builds upon previous project entitled “Testing at Ohmsett to Determine Optimum Times to Decant to Temporary Storage Devices” Project 298, where S. L. Ross tested at Ohmsett, decanting at several different periods to determine the best time to separate excess water collected during oil spill clean-up operations. Know the proper time to decant will insure that the captured oil is not re-released in the water and it will allow the skimming vessel to remain on location longer. Adding chemicals to this operation will further aid water/oil separation and allow for more frequent and cleaner decanting.
Progress Project is complete.
AA (5.5MBPDF Extending Temporary Storage Capacity Offshore with Emulsion Breakers, S.L. Ross Environmental Research , March 15, 2002.
AB (2.8MBPDF Buist, Ian, Lewis, A., Guarino, A., DeVitis, D., Nolan, K., Smith,B., Lane, J., “Extending Temporary Storage Capacity with Emulsion Breakers”, Proceedings of the 25th Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, pp. 139-168, Environmental Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 2002.
AC (1.0MBPDF Buist, Ian., Potter, S., Lewis, A., Guarino, A., DeVitis, D., Smith, B., Lane, J., “Decanting Test at Ohmsett with and without Emulsion Breakers”, Proceedings of the 2003 International Oil Spill Conference, pp. 827-831, API, Washington, D. C., 2003.
AD (1.3MBPDF Buist, I., Lewis, A., Devitis, D., Studies on Decanting Recovered Oil Spill Fluids, Proceedings of the Interspill 2004 Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 2004