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Pollution Prevention Week

The best way to protect the Earth and its people is to stop creating pollution in the first place – that realization became America's official policy in 1990 with the Federal Pollution Prevention Act's, declaration that, "Pollution should be prevented or reduced at its source, whenever possible."

Pollution Prevention (P2) Week highlights the efforts of EPA, its partners, and the public in making pollution prevention a cornerstone of sustainability. It's a great time to take stock and to renew our efforts.

Use These Tips - Prevent Pollution Today!

At Home and on the Road

At Work

For Students

P2 Week Events

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Learn More About P2

Learn how you can help save resources, energy and money (01:00).

Pollution Prevention at EPA

Read Our P2 Blogs

EPA's Matt Bogosian talks trash: "I'm half way through the Trash on Your Back Challenge and wow, I'm learning so much about my own daily habits by carrying with me the trash I generate...."

Read more blog entries about P2.

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