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NASCAR and EPA Partner on Green Initiatives

Announcing the partnership between NASCAR and EPA are, from left, Dr. Michael Lynch, managing director of green innovation for NASCAR, Jim Jones, assistant administrator for EPA's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, and Steve Phelps, senior vice president and chief marketing officer for NASCAR.(Photo by Streeter Lecka/Getty Images for NASCAR.) (1.60MB high-resolution version of above photo)


Related EPA programs:

Pollution Prevention (P2)

Design for the Environment (DfE)

Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) Framework

May 21, 2012 — To raise awareness of green products and solutions that can benefit NASCAR partners and fans, the EPA and the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) (6pp, 73.5K, About PDF) to work together. Through this agreement, EPA will provide technical assistance and expertise to NASCAR to continue to increase their environmental performance and communicate environmental information in ways that reach the NASCAR family and racing fans across the country.

One of the areas of focus for the partnership is promoting safer products that have earned EPA's Design for the Environment (DfE) label. NASCAR can make a difference by using DfE products at racing events and conveying to fans that choosing DfE products is an easy, cost-effective and important choice they can make to protect the health of their families and the planet.

Another example is NASCAR's offer to encourage its suppliers to get an "E3 tuneup" – to increase productivity, reduce the use of energy and materials, lessen environmental impacts and be better positioned to compete in the global marketplace. The E3 initiative – Economy, Energy and Environment – helps promote sustainable manufacturing and economic growth throughout the country.

The MOU will pave the way for other opportunities and areas of focus for EPA and NASCAR such as using more sustainable concessions at NASCAR events, expanding the use of safer chemical products, conserving water, reducing waste and promoting recycling.

The agreement to work together will leverage the work of both organizations' to have a positive economic and environmental impact that extends far beyond the racetrack.

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