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Welcome to the International Activities Program! Side image - Playing with My Friends by Eduardo, Nicaragua, 2008. Photography by Greg Staley. Artwork provided by VSA’s ArtLink program.Image Credits
Playing with My Friends by Eduardo, Nicaragua, 2008.
Photography by Greg Staley.
Artwork provided by VSA’s ArtLink program.

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Spines of several NCES reports

Snapshots from the International Data Explorer

Short, printable summaries of U.S. and state results on international assessments.
Hand taking multiple choice test

Assessments and Surveys

Information about the international studies in which the United States participates.
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Table Library

Comparative international education data in ready-made tables.
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Other Sources

A guide to other sources of international information and data.
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International Data Explorer

Now Available - Analyze data from PIRLS, PISA, and TIMSS and create your own tables and charts using this on-line tool.
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Responses to frequently asked questions about international comparisons and international education data.
About the International Activities Program

NCES supports a variety of activities to provide statistical data for cross-national comparisons of education. Developing indicators and conducting international assessments and surveys are two main area of activities. Read more about IAP Read more about IAP

News and Highlights

What's the proportion of top students in the United States and how does it compare with other countries? How about the proportion of low performing students? And, how do the U.S. states that most recently participated in international assessments--Massachusetts and Minnesota--do on these measures? Two Snapshots From the International Data Explorer provide quick summaries of the international results on the proportions of top performers and low performers in education systems around the world.

The OECD's multi-volume international report with PISA 2009 results and PISA 2009 Profiles online tool are now available.

The PISA 2009 results are now available. Find out about U.S. student performance on PISA 2009 in the U.S. national report, Highlights From PISA 2009: Performance of U.S. 15-Year-Old Students in Reading, Mathematics, and Science Literacy in an International Context

Explore and analyze PISA data, including the just-released PISA 2009 data, using the International Data Explorer.

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) indicators are available in the 2010 Condition of Education.

Find out about U.S. student performance on international assessments in the supplement to the 2009 Condition of Education, U.S. Performance Across International Assessments of Student Achievement: Special Supplement to the Condition of Education 2009.

Read more IAP News and Highlights Read more IAP News and Highlights
Data Snapshot
In 2006, the percentage of fourth-grade students in United States and international median who reach PIRLS international benchmarks	
US = 12%	
International = 7%

In 2006, the percentage of fourth-grade students in United States and international median who reach PIRLS international benchmarks
US = 12%
International = 7%

(Read entire article)

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