Voluntary Standards - Safety Vacuum Release Systems - SVRS

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Safety Vacuum Release Systems - SVRS (Last Updated 05/09/2006)

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) staff is working to develop strategies to reduce deaths and injuries from entrapment in the suction drains of swimming pools and spas. CPSC staff is currently participating in the development, refinement or harmonization of the following standards that address entrapment hazards:

To address entrapment hazards associated with pools, spas, and hot tubs, CPSC staff will continue to participate in the development of relevant voluntary safety standards such as those for safety vacuum release systems, field manufactured vent pipes, and suction outlet covers. In addition, staff will work with the various standards organizations on harmonizing standards that address entrapment hazards, with a goal of developing a comprehensive set of standards that address all known entrapment hazards. Staff will also work with national, state and local jurisdictions to adopt or strengthen swimming pool safety codes, and explore ways to increase consumer awareness of entrapment hazards.

Since 1990, CPSC has reports of 130 people who became entrapped on pool and spa drains or whose hair became entangled in the drain cover, resulting in 27 deaths.

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Voluntary Standards Organizations

For further information concerning specific standards, please contact the relevant standards organization:

International Aquatic Foundation

  • http://www.iafH2O.org

The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals

ASTM International


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