USIP Publications and Tools

  • Arabic Report

    USIP translates many of its publications into Arabic.  See all Arabic reports.

  • Book

    Peer-reviewed scholarship arising from the work of the Institute. Browse the Bookstore.

  • Building Peace

    A series of reports on innovative work by USIP that has practical applications for peacemakers and peacebuilders

  • Congressional Testimony

    This section holds the transcripts of Congressional testimony of USIP staff and fellows on Capitol Hill.  See all Congressional Testimonies.

  • DVD

    Read about DVD's that have been produced by USIP or with USIP's support.  See all DVD's.

  • eBooks
  • Grant Highlight

    The section features highlights from the USIP Grant program. See all Grant highlights.

  • Haiti Newsletter

    The monthly Haiti Newsletter provides updates on the current situation, highlights of USIP's field work, events, multimedia, publications, and news about Haiti.

  • Link Collection

    USIP's collection of links to foreign ministries, international organizations, research centers, and more. See all Link Collections.

  • National Peace Essay Contest Winning Essay

    A collection of the winning essays from the National Peace Essay Contest.  See all the winning essays or read more about the contest.

  • News Brief

    News Brief

  • News Feature

    A collection of feature articles about USIP’s work and people.  See all news features.

  • Olive Branch Post

    Post from USIP experts and guest contributors featured on The Olive Branch, USIP's official blog.

  • On the Issues

    A question and answer series with USIP experts on current events and issues. See all On the Issues.

  • Oral History

    USIP's collection of lessons learned in post-conflict stabilization operations.  See all Oral Histories.

  • Peace Agreements

    A collection of the full texts of peace agreements from around the world. See all Peace Agreements.

  • Peace Brief

    Four-page analysis of world developments and peacebuilding issues. See all Peace Briefs.

  • PeaceWatch

    Magazine-style newsletter issued three times per year on USIP’s work around the world.  See all issues of PeaceWatch.

  • Peaceworks

    In-depth background and analysis on topics in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.   See all Peaceworks.

  • Practitioner Tool

    A collection of courses, handbooks, curricula, and lessons learned for use by practitioners in the field.  See all practitioner tools.

  • Prevention Newsletter

    The bimonthly Prevention Newsletter provides highlights of USIP’s conceptual work, its region-specific work, and special projects related to conflict prevention. See all issues of the Prevention Newsletter.

  • Progress in Peacebuilding

    Overview of USIP projects.

  • Special Report

    Short, timely, policy-relevant reports.  See all Special Reports.

  • Teaching and Learning Guide

    A collection of free multi-lesson study plans and more.  See all Teaching and Learning Guides.

  • Teaching Simulation

    A collection of role-playing activities for the classroom. See all Teaching Simulations.

  • The Olive Branch

    USIP's blog: conversations on security, stability and peacebuilding.

  • Truth Commission

    A collection of links tracking truth commissions, bodies created to document how nations address traumatic histories. See all Truth Commissions.

  • Working Paper

    A series of unedited academic-level works in progress. See all Working Papers.