Additional USIP Fellows

TAPIR Fellow Judith Vorrath (Credit- Bill Fitzpatrick)

Each year the USIP offers a limited number of additional fellowship opportunities focusing on specific issue areas, conflict zones, and/or to outstanding scholars, policymakers and other professionals working in areas that advance our understanding of issues central to USIP’s mandate

Military Fellows

Each year, the JR Program for International Peace welcomes an army officer serving in a Senior Service College Fellowship capacity. Officers selected as Fellows at USIP have extensive military experience and/or responsibility for civil-military relations.

The Army Fellow for 2011-12 is LTC Brian J. Stokes.

Senior Visiting Scholars

A limited number (two to three) of short-term Visiting Scholar fellowships are offered to outstanding scholars, policymakers, and other professionals working in areas that advance our understanding of issues central to USIP’s mandate. The duration of the fellowships is variable ranging from 1 to 3 months. During their stay at USIP,  Visiting Scholars are expected to produce a tangible product, defined as, but not limited to, articles suitable for publication in a refereed journal, a policy report, or a short monograph suitable for publication. The editorial staff of the Institute works closely with fellows to develop manuscripts for consideration by the Institute Press or for publication as USIP reports.

Visiting Scholars can also be invited to lead a seminar or a series of seminars or roundtable discussions around a particular topic. Finally, Visiting Scholars may be invited to contribute to on-going USIP programs.

USIP will provide Visiting Scholars with research support (office, computer, email, library access, and research assistance up to 20 hours a week), as well as a stipend, and travel to and from Washington, DC.   

Recent Senior Visiting Scholars: Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala and Ambassador Jan Eliasson

Guest Scholars

The JR Program for International Peace welcomes a limited number of Guest Scholars. Guest Scholars do not receive stipends or salary support from USIP.

Recent Guest Scholars: Søren Jessen-Petersen, Randa Slim and Ambassador Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr.

Transatlantic Post-Doc International Relations and Security (TAPIR) Fellows

The TAPIR Fellowship allows scholars who recently received their doctorate to spend 24 months at three or four different participating research institutions or think tanks - at least one on the Eastern, and one on the Western side of the Atlantic.  During their stay, Fellows are supervised by a specialist at USIP, while being integrated into the relevant research units or projects.  The Fellowship aims to actively involve particpants in the work and research of leading international think tanks.

Current TAPIR Fellow: Mateja Peter

Apply to be a TAPIR Fellow!

Afghanistan Fellows

The JR Program for International Peace awards a limited number of fellowships to Afghan and Afghanistan experts in order to (1) improve the capacity of experts to develop viable policy options concerning peacebuilding and democracy promotion, (2) strengthen the Institute’s knowledge on Afghanistan, and (3) facilitate the production of timely and relevant publications on Afghanistan by both scholars and practitioners.

Current Afghanistan Fellow: Frances Z. Brown

Iraq Fellows

The JR Program for International Peace awards a limited number of fellowships to Iraqi experts in order to (1) improve the capacity of Iraqi experts to develop viable policy options concerning peacebuilding and democracy promotion, (2) strengthen the Institute’s knowledge on Iraq, (3) facilitate the production of timely and relevant publications by Iraqi scholars and practitioners.

Recent Fellow: Rend al-Rahim