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Department of Defense senior leaders

  1. Bryan Battaglia SEAC_JCS Within our ranks, we have many Hispanic Americans who make positive lasting contributions to our All-Volunteer Force.…
  2. U.S. Dept of Defense DeptofDefense #SecDef has authorized deployment of a @usmc fleet antiterrorism security team (#FAST) to #Libya.
  3. U.S. Dept of Defense DeptofDefense #SecDef will travel next week to visit Japan, China and New Zealand:
  4. The Joint Staff thejointstaff MT @nccmdchief Are you registered to vote? @fvap can help: This is especially important for deployed members.
  5. The Joint Staff thejointstaff RT @dvidshub Video: Dignified transfer @andrewsairforce for 4 slain embassy workers. via @pentagonchannel
  6. George Little PentagonPresSec #SecDef will join POTUS and SecState this afternoon at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony for the Americans who died in Libya this week.
  7. U.S. Dept of Defense DeptofDefense #SecDef has authorized deployment of a @usmc fleet antiterrorism security (FAS) team to #Libya.
  8. The Joint Staff thejointstaff Yesterday, SECDEF Panetta & GEN Dempsey met with Paralympic team members back from the London games. Photos here:
  9. General Ray Odierno GENRayOdierno Just received insights/recommendations on #FutureArmy from Unified Quest-vitally important discussion @adaptingthearmy
  10. U.S. Dept of Defense DeptofDefense #SecDef will travel next week to visit Japan, China and New Zealand:
  11. U.S. Dept of Defense DeptofDefense Follow @pentagonpressec George Little as he travels with #SecDef next week to #Japan, #China and #NewZealand. #FF
  12. The Joint Staff thejointstaff RT @stavridisj In Sibiu Romania to brief NATO Chiefs of Defense, including USA CJCS Marty Dempsey -- Afghan, Balkans, Levant, piracy.
  13. U.S. Dept of Defense DeptofDefense WATCH LIVE NOW: DOD Comptroller Robert Hale testifies before the House Armed Services Committee on #DOD auditability.
  14. U.S. Dept of Defense DeptofDefense RT @thejointstaff: GEN @martin_dempsey Arrives in Romania for NATO Talks
  15. The Joint Staff thejointstaff GEN @martin_dempsey Arrives in Romania for NATO Talks
This list was created by DeptofDefense