Free Trial
1 hour translation
Smart Video
How it Works
Making Videos Smart for Global Organizations


Dotsub is the only company that can turn around video translation in an hour.


Dotsub provides the leading network of on-demand, professional video translators.


Dotsub will caption and translate video at higher quality and at lower price per minute than anyone. Ask for a video translation price quote or a qualifying free trial.

Always On

Dotsub's video translation SaS platform runs 24x7. Dotsub makes it simple to ingest, caption, translate, enhance, review, approve, and distribute video in multiple languages across most screens via seamless integration with standard content management systems and players.


Dotsub's video localization platform can be customized, integrated, managed, or moderated. Flexible Dotsub video translation plug-ins can be customized via APIs, user interface design assistance, and professional video language services.

Crowd-Sourced Options

With you in control, your organization can source from your caption and translation volunteers, fans, customers, or community resources. TED captioned and translated 31,000 videos on Dotsub. AdobeTV completed 18,000 video translations.


Videos Being Captioned