Nicole Michelle Brunner

Physical Science Technician, Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center
Denver, Colorado

U.S. Geological Survey

How Nicole Michelle Brunner got involved with U.S. Geological Survey
I started this job a volunteer and found the position though

The whole experience has been great, being able to go out in the field at Rocky Flats National wildlife refuge which used to be a weapons manufacturing facility and now is a protected open space with flourishing wildlife and several biomes, has been a highlight.

Nicole Michelle Brunner's accomplishments
During my time working with the USGS I have learned valuable new skills and also enhanced old ones, which include field techniques such as sampling and using equipment such as GPS and the field spectrometer, as well as lab equipment such as the measuring LAI and biomass. I have also gained experience with software such as GIS, Geomatica, ENVI, and eCognitoin.

Nicole Michelle Brunner's next steps
I am planning on attending graduate school, then I would love to keep working for the USGS or an another government agency doing research and ecological restoration.

Hometown: Boulder, Colorado
School: Metropolitan State College of Denver
Major: Environmental Science with a concentration on ecological restoration

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collecting samples from one of our urban park sitescalibrating the field spectrometerout at Rocky Flats National Wildlife refugecollecting samples at one of our native grassland sites