Joshua Hicks

Physical Science Technician, Core Research Center
Lakewood, Colorado

U.S. Geological Survey

How Joshua Hicks got involved with U.S. Geological Survey
The position was advertised through the internship office at my school.

The experience that I will remember the most is working on the Anvil Points Mine core retrieval project. This involved transporting 800 pallets of rock cores that were being stored in the mine back to the Core Research Center (CRC) in Denver, Colorado. Getting to visit this historic mine was quite interesting.

Joshua Hicks's accomplishments
While at the CRC I have helped to improve the sample collection by digitizing analog data, locating missing core information, and physically reorganizing the samples in our warehouse. I have also photographed many thousands of core boxes which are now available to download from the CRC website.

Joshua Hicks's next steps
My next step is to pursue a graduate degree while still working at the USGS. I hope to be a research geologist in the future.

Hometown: Lakewood, Colorado

Student Work


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The Core Research Center's booth at the annual Colorado School of Mines Oil Shale SymposiumLooking at drill cuttings through a microscope at the Core Research CenterTransporting the Castle Pines Core ( a box of slabbed core from the warehouse at the Core Research CenterShowing off the newly created education display at the Core Research Center