Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions (R-Dallas), a Member of House Republican Leadership, today released the following statement regarding House approval of H.R. 4078, the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act:

“House Republicans once again affirmed our commitment to job creation by passing a package of proposals to provide relief from the onslaught of government red-tape imposed on small businesses. H.R. 4078 would freeze any federal regulation that would cost the economy $100 million or more until the unemployment rate lowers to six percent, as well as require more oversight and analysis before regulations can be put into place.

“Although the unemployment rate has been above eight percent for 41 consecutive months, the regulatory burden continues to grow under the Obama Administration. The Federal Register, which publishes government regulations, has run over 41,000 pages so far this year and the paperwork associated with those rules could take approximately 114.1 million hours to complete.

“I hear from small business owners in my district every day about the impact of burdensome regulations on their ability to invest, grow and hire new workers. House Republicans are listening to these hardworking Americans and we will continue to fight to provide certainty to job creators during this sluggish economy. Small businesses are the engine of our economy and we must empower them – not unnecessarily regulate them – in order to jump-start our economy and get the American people back to work.”


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